Saturday, August 25, 2007

Niche Marketing: Blogs

I recommend you invest time in learning to blog. Blogging is one way to increase your site and promote the heck out of it.

It’s easy to set up and free for the most part. Every time you post to your blog you are generating the right actions to build your business.

The more you post, the better. Don’t forget that the Internet is the information superhighway. It’s built on information. Information is the gas that fuels the Internet.

By posting to your blog, you are fueling the Internet – and your businesses.

It is simple to lose track of the value of Blogging. Heck, we all do. I know a top marketer that is very big in the Blogging community and he swears by it.

I have to admit, I ignored Blogging for the longest time. I just did not see very good results from it at first. I like quick results and lose patience fast. I’ve done the same thing with Adsense.

After speaking with the Blogging Marketer, I instantly changed my point of view. Blogging generates traffic. And traffic makes me money.

So, now I’m into Blogging.

Once I started getting into Blogging, I learned valuable tricks and places to go to increase the effectiveness of my blog. I learned that links back to my sites from my BLOGS was tremendous for getting ranked on search engines. BLOGS became a very big part of my business strategies once I realized the power of Blogging.

Blog and Ping is a strategy that can increase your niche sites. I will now incorporate Blogs into every niche site I do. If I have a niche site that sells widgets, I’ll have Blogs for that site.

Every time I post to the Blog, it will ping other sites. That increases traffic.

Friday, August 17, 2007

Niche Marketing: Promoting

I am pretty convinced that if you have a site that brings in $100 per month, it can bring in 10 to 20 times that if it is promoted right.

Before I get into the several different ways people can promote their businesses, I want you to understand the most important point.

Promoting is not an option. You must promote the heck out of your site. Remember when I wrote about follow through? Well, this is what I mean by it.

You have to continue to bring in prospects. I mean everyone knows who Coca Cola is. Do they even need to advertise or run promotions?

Yes, and they do. They spend millions on advertising and promoting and they’ve been in business for ever.

The same business basics that go for offline businesses go for online businesses as well. The problem is that many people think that Internet businesses go by a different set of rules.

This is not true. There are differences though. I mean, it’s hard to start an offline business for $100 or $200 right?

However, most business principles apply to online as well. Treat your business as if you invested 100k or 200k into it. If you put 100k into your niche website, you’d be sure and follow through and promote that site wouldn’t you?

Ok, let’s say you build a product and site on karate. You started a karate business is what you did.

Well, there are karate shops all over the place offline. They are in shopping plazas all over the world. So, you’re online business just happens to be online and not in a shopping plaza.

The shopping plaza is on a busy street where thousands of people see the signage. However, the karate shop does not stop there. They run ads in the local newspaper, mail out coupons, offer free lessons, have karate shows, pass out flyers, wear their uniforms in public places, etc.

They continue to promote. They pay good money to be in the shopping plaza in order to get curb traffic.

These same principles apply to online business. People just need to think of it the same. I believe it’s because it cost so little to get an online business started that people lose sight of the fact that the principles are pretty much the same.

Think of your karate site as an offline karate business you started in your garage. You want to build it up to go into its own plaza. Then, you want to have your own gym and ultimately many shops across the world.

When you launch, you’re in your garage. Now, promote the heck out of it to grow into being in your own shop in a plaza.

Friday, August 10, 2007

Niche Marketing: Follow Through

Once you find your niche and identify your USP, you need to create a product and sell it. You’ll need to promote it. There are a million things you can do. However, are you following through?

Again, we are going back to “action steps”, “planning” and “goal setting”. We are talking about focus and results.

Did you follow through on everything you said you would do? This is important. Following through helps you create your own system or formula for success.

It is crucial for your mind to know that you went all the way through. You set a plan, worked on your plan, set goals and put action into it all. If you followed all the way through with your plan, your mind will lock onto this formula as a “Best Selling” formula.

Your mind will have no doubt. It’s 100% full faith in the process you developed and executed. It works. If you follow through entirely, then the next product or service is almost guaranteed to succeed. Just do it again with a different product.

Top marketers develop this “lock” and many may not even understand how they did it. Many marketers will look at others and say to themselves… “Why is it so hard for them?” “It’s as easy as pie”.

It’s because they developed a “lock” in their brain. They have no doubt. It works and has worked over and over for them. Therefore, they just repeat it.

“Following through” helps to create a system that you know can be duplicated by yourself over and over again.

Friday, August 3, 2007

Niche Marketing: Setting An Action Plan & Goals

I read somewhere that the more time you take to prepare, the less time it takes to execute. I believe this. Time management is one of the most important skills a person can develop. I mean, you only have 24 hours in a day. How you decide to use those 24 hours is up to you. You have good control on how you spend your time.

If you spend your time in the “dimension of distraction” then you may not get many results out of your time spent.

Time is precious. I know I want more of it. I want time to spend doing the things I want to do.

Since time is so precious, spend it wisely. How do we do that?
Well, planning is one way to ensure you spend your time wisely.

If you believe (like I do) that the more time you spend planning, the less time it takes to execute… then that’ll save you time.

Spending more time planning can ensure you are using your time wisely. Try this… grab a notebook and pen and go sit in a quiet place for one hour. Dedicate yourself to 1 hour of quiet time. Spend that entire hour planning actions steps for your business (or whatever you want to plan).

I bet, you will get more done and accomplish much more by doing that… than winging it. Your results will be far greater. You’ll have a few “Ah Ha” moments. Things will become clearer. How’s that for focus?

I recommend you try planning your time before you spend that time. If you are going to be on the Internet for two hours, spend 10 minutes planning before you turn the computer on. If you enjoy planning, spend 20 minutes or even more.

Then, execute your plan!

Do this each day. Become a planning maniac. Do this and positive results will follow. I’m quite certain. This single lesson could be a “breakthrough” for many people in business. It’s that important.

Combine the lessons of “taking effective action” with “focusing on results” and “planning/time management” and you’ll be so far ahead of everyone else it’s amazing…

Now, let’s add another ingredient to success. You’ve heard this one before. We all have.

“Set goals”…

Here’s my take on setting goals… they are useless if you do not fully 100% believe the goals will be obtained. This may go against what many teach or believe. Many say to set high goals that stretch you. Yeah, that’s fine and dandy.

I think setting high goals are great… as long as you fully believe you can reach these high goals. If there is any doubt in your mind at all, forget it.

You have to FULLY believe it. There can be no doubt. 100% faith is required. Failure is not an option. If you can believe in that manner, then set the goal.

Here’s what I do… I set a goal six months to twelve months out. I place a firm mental picture of that goal. If that goal is to make a certain amount of money, I pound that goal into my head. I fully believe it. I speak about it to my wife in that manner.

I may say, in December we can go skiing in Aspen for a week. She may respond by saying that’ll be pretty expensive and we have to close on our house in December. I will say, that’s fine, I have an additional $10,000 coming in that month.

You have to expect it. It’s powerful. I’ve tested this. I’ve explained it to others. It works. This technique is taught in several top books.

So, set the goals you fully believe you can achieve. Own the goal. Expect it to be reality. Imagine the goal achieved. Do not allow any negative thoughts whatsoever to creep into your mind. It’s a done deal.

That’s it. That is the key to setting goals. Write them down, plan them out, repeat them to yourself, talk as if they are on their way, expect it…

Goals have to be attainable and achievable. You can not set goals that are too high or not realistic. You’ve heard that before I’m sure.

Well, it’s not completely true.

The reason goals have to be realistic is because you have to believe they are realistic. If you believe you can make $20,000 per month online within the next two months, and you really – really believe it, without doubts, then set the goal.

Friday, July 27, 2007

Niche Marketing: Business Sense

Imagine investing 1,000 hours into learning a foreign language. Let’s say you want to learn Spanish… If you invest 1,000 hours into learning Spanish, you will probably be able to speak some Spanish… wouldn’t you agree?

However, if you divide 1,000 hours into learning Spanish, English, Italian, French, Japanese, and German you may not know how to complete a simple sentence in any foreign language.

This is why it is so important to master one area. People make tons of money in each area. Some people are affiliates. They make fortunes by only working affiliate programs. If that’s what you want to focus on, then I recommend you stick to that until you are practically an expert.

It’s much easier to learn more foreign languages once you’ve learned one. In other words, once you know Spanish well, it’s much easier to learn Italian.

Jumping around from one thing to another can leave a person burned out and with a low level of enthusiasm for following through to achieve proper results.

As far as creating a business model… here’s a quick example of that…

Let’s go offline for a second. Let’s say I want to start a fast food restaurant. I want to sell burgers.

I would probably have quicker and better results if I follow the model of McDonalds… right? I mean they’ve sold a billion burgers or so.

Or, I could create a burger place that’s like Starbucks. I could be completely different. People can order burgers with chocolate or mocha. I bet people would like burgers that cost $15 each.

It’s much better to follow a proven model. It’s much easier and requires less risk. Sure, I can put my own spin on the model. I can call it what I want. I can have my own clown or King.

The point is I’ll model something that is already working. I’ll just be a bit different. I don’t want to create an entire new industry or fully go against the norms. After all, what result am I looking for? What’s my end result? What am I after?

For me… my personal results are that I want more freedom. I want more time to do what I want, when I want, buy what I want, go where I want, eat what I want, etc.

So, if duplicating someone else’s business model gets me there quicker… I’m all over it.

Monday, July 23, 2007

Online Secrets: Don't Be Average

The last entry here is on not being average. I fully believe that to be successful you must do what average people don’t do. If average people work all day and come home to watch TV, then don’t do that.

Success and wealth remain on the other side of average. Average marketers don’t attempt to JV. They don’t create real businesses online. Don’t be average.

Average marketers don’t take massive and effective action. They complain and stay distracted. They lose focus and move onto more and more opportunities.

Average people do not believe in themselves. Believe fully in yourself! You have all the resources and intelligence to create a fortune for yourself.

You have all the abilities in the world to achieve your dreams. Don’t let habitual thinking and bad thoughts prevent you from believing in yourself.

Never let others tell you differently. Listen to those who are living what you want. If you doubt yourself or listen to negative comments, then failure is sure to follow.

Expect results, have faith the results will be there and by all means believe in you. If you have any doubt, find the nearest millionaire and ask him/her.

Lou Roggio told me that some people are miners and search for gold. Some will strike it rich. Most will not. However, the one who sells the shovels always makes a living.
I like that. Keep that in mind.

Friday, July 20, 2007

Niche Marketing: Focusing On Results

Taking action is crucial. Focusing on the results is priceless. I believe one should always have the end results in mind when taking action. In other words, if you want to land an interview, expect to land an interview. Take action and expect the results to be in your favor. Don’t allow even one tiny, itty-bitty negative thought to enter your mind.

Not one.

If by some reason a negative thought creeps into your mind, immediately replace it with a positive thought. Here’s a funny example:

I may look in the mirror and think, “My hair looks bad”. I need to immediately replace that thought with, “My hair is nice and at least I still have some”.

With focusing on results, it’s important to “EXPECT” what you want the outcome to be. This does a great trick on the mind and forces it to follow through with the action.

That trick trumps habits and negative thinking. It helps to prevent “sabotage”. You see, I believe people sabotage their own success. It happens.

One may be on the perfect track, doing all the right things, and then crash! That last crucial step is mishandled. This happens because people often sabotage their own success.

By focusing on results, this sabotage is often stomped out. However, the trick is to focus on positive thoughts. Focus on positive thought patterns.

This is another good reason why I believe people should just take quick action when starting out. Roll the dice per say.

By doing this, results happen. If one gets quick results, then it’s already too late to sabotage. It’s already a reality. It’s already working. The results have already taken place. Positive thoughts are more easily available.

Heck, if you sell the worlds worst ebook and you get positive results… you know it’s all uphill from there.

Keep in mind though, I fully believe in providing tremendous value to customers. I think it’s paramount to do so. This idea of tossing a product up quickly is merely to prevent sabotage and produce fast results… or experience.

I believe all action you take should have “results” clearly focused and top of mind. Its cause and effect...

Celebrate your successes, no matter how small they seem to be. By celebrating your successes, your mind will want to “feel” that more and more.

Your mind wants to experience pleasure. If you celebrate and give your mind what it wants, then it’ll want more. And, by doing this, results will follow.

Monday, July 16, 2007

Online Secrets: Simple Strategy Anyone Can Do - Part 2

Make sure to read the articles and take notes on the benefits or key points the articles express.

You may have duplicate content in there. So, read it several times while taking notes on the content.

You may end up having to delete some articles out of your ebook because there may be several poor articles.

However, you are taking notes of the key points and benefits. So, you know what you – yourself could write about if needed.

Once you have the best articles and have built up some content inside your ebook, brand it and convert it to a PDF.

Presto! You now have your own ebook you can give away to your subscribers. You can do this for any niche.

It sounds so simple, but it can be powerful. Most people out there on the Internet do not know how to search effectively for information online.

Most visitors want convenience. They want the easy route. This is a way to provide it easily to them.

I know of one person who uses this technique to make a killing online. He uses it for technical products.

He may find a popular DVD video camera and then downloads the product manual.

He then takes screen shots of certain things and answers visitor’s questions concerning how to do certain things with the camera.

The customer could easily download the manual themselves and find the answers. He however, makes it as easy as pie and gives them better answers than the product manual…

He makes money from having Adsense ads on his site, and by building a list of people.

That’s not hard at all. It just takes a little work. However, you can do the work and then have a simple product you can use to make money online – and build a massive targeted list of people (like dog lovers).

You can create an ebook in any niche you can think of just about using this technique. Add your own writing for added value and you can be building a list of targeted people.

Once you have a list or a customer base of targeted people, you can send emails about affiliate programs.

You could JV with other businesses that are in that same general niche. With a targeted list, you have leverage and that leverage can make you a great deal of money.

Your list is the most valuable asset.

Friday, July 13, 2007

Niche Marketing: Rolling The Dice

I believe it’s important to roll the dice from time to time. Let me explain…

It’s beneficial to research, strategize and create valuable products or services. People buy “value”. They are exchanging their money for value.

With this in mind, it’s more important in my view, to just go for it. Do not over analyze or over create. Just go for it. People will learn more from taking action than over creating.

Roll the dice and take action. I believe that’s crucial to success online. Taking action and rolling the dice helps people realize and learn what steps generate results.

You see, some people have fears and doubts. These people worry that they will fail or that people may laugh at them. These people are afraid of ridicule or personal embarrassment.

They may have the desire and ambitions to succeed greatly, but just lack the “action” skills necessary to make [success] a reality.

This fear causes people to refrain from necessary action. It causes delays. It causes reluctance to initiate, execute and follow through with things.

Successful people have fears too. However, many of them PUSH through these fears and take action. These people may be perceived to be risk takers or extremely confident.

I believe these people just understand that it is ok to fail. It is ok to have fear or doubts. They recognize these emotions. They also understand that if they do intent to reach their goals, action and follow through will need to be executed…

There is the risk of failing, but that’s ok. It happens to everyone. But, the more one pushes forward and bangs away at a particular goal, the more intelligent the person becomes concerning the achievement of that goal.

Failure is just another opportunity to go at it again, except more intelligently this time around.

Something almost “magical” happens when a person keeps pushing and striving to achieve a goal…

Their belief and faith about achieving these goals goes up and up. As people put in more work towards achieving goals, they start to feel worthy of achieving those goals.

The belief system goes up…

Then, they achieve the goals! Hooray!

Once these goals are achieved its human nature to want to do what? That’s right, achieve higher and larger goals.

Here is the point I’ve been leading up to. Pay attention to the point that once a goal is achieved people shoot for higher goals. Let’s use an example to illustrate this point…

Let’s say you set a goal to make $1,000 per month online. You pushed yourself, believed and kept striving away to achieve this goal. You took the necessary action, eliminated emotions that are obstacles and finally achieved the goal.

You achieved the $1,000 per month mark. You are excited for about five months and then decide to set a goal to increase it to $5,000 per month.

Here’s my question. If you had to start all over again from scratch, would you have a higher sense of “belief” than you did before you achieved your goal of $1,000 per month?

At this point, would you doubt you could do it again? Would you have any fears about failure?

Of course not!

So, I recommend people skip those negative emotions and go straight to 100% Full Belief and Faith. Roll the dice, take action, have faith and celebrate the results.

Monday, July 9, 2007

Online Secrets: Simple Strategy Anyone Can Do - Part 1

I was asked by someone recently, “how can I make money easily online”?

First I recommended that he build a squeeze page, drive traffic to it and send people to affiliate links.

That’s easy enough huh?

I said; pick a broad niche category like “dogs”. And then, build a squeeze page around a narrow niche within the broader dog niche industry… like “dog collars”.

Send targeted traffic to the squeeze page, get people to opt in and then send them broadcasted emails with affiliate links imbedded within.

He then asked me a good question. He asked me what he would give the visitors in exchange for opting in…

I said he could just provide the same benefits one of the affiliate programs offer.

The money is in the list.

I then gave him a simple and cheap strategy for creating a quick ebook of his own.

It’s a very simple strategy really. Here’s what you yourself can do to create an ebook in just about any niche you can find:

Find your niche and then go to Google and search:

“articles” + “your niche”

Compile as many articles as you can around your niche. You may also want to find sub niches that have something to do with your niche.

For example, if your niche is “dogs”, you may want to search for articles on “dog training”, “natural dog food” and so on.

Ok, compile all the articles and paste them into a word document. You have to keep the authors resource box in each article by the way…

Friday, July 6, 2007

Niche Marketing: Taking Action

If someone asked me what the “key” to success is… I’d say one word. I’d say, “Action”. Action is what separates the wealthy from the non-wealthy in my opinion.

Action is what sets everything in motion. Nothing happens usually, until someone puts in some action in one way or another.

If you want to increase your chance of success, increase the amount of “action” you are putting in. Having thoughts are good. Having ideas are good. However, action has to be taken in order for any idea or thought to become a reality.

I can think about exercising. I can have a great idea for an exercise routine. But if I don’t get off my chair and actually “do it”, then it’s just a thought. It’s just an idea. It remains there waiting for “action” to take place.

Monday, July 2, 2007

Online Secrets: Mega Joint Ventures - Part 3

That’s why it is so crucial to get it down and master the JV arena. Start small and go after building relationships with the up and coming marketers.

I would not attempt doing my very fist JV with some guru. Build up to that. There’s time.

Decide to find 10 JV partners – no matter the size of their list. And, get this experience under your belt.

Get a testimonial from one JV partner to use to attract other JV partners. Use three JV partners to grab 5 more. See what I’m getting at?

It’s leverage at its finest. It’s being able to utilize “other people” to build your success. It can build fast.

Keep in mind, that it’s always going to be “what’s in it for them”…

Heck, give away 90% commission to the first JV partner. You may be giving away all the commission, but you’re creating a way to JV over and over with many, many more marketers.

Then you can tell your future JV prospects, “I’d like to do the same with you that I’ve done with so-and-so”. That’s powerful huh? It works…

Keep in mind, that it is important to have a good product. You need to treat your product like a real business. Don’t just throw up some half-baked product and expect to land several JV’s.

Have a stellar sales letter and drive some traffic at it. And, by all means – keep attempting JV’s.

I would go so far to say that if you do indeed have a good product and a good sales letter, try initiating JV’s with a minimum of 10 to 15 other marketers. I’m quite sure you’ll land one, if not more.

JV your way to wealth online!

Friday, June 29, 2007

Niche Marketing: Long Term Thinking & Planning

Long term thinking is hard for many people. We humans are emotional. We want things fast. We have desires, dreams, feelings and it becomes hard to plan years from now.

However, if you could slightly change the perception of thinking from short term to long term, nice things happen. Let me explain…

If you dedicated yourself to working two or three hours per day, you could get around 1,000 hours worked in a full year.

Think about learning a foreign language. Someone could spend 1,000 hours per year learning another language. Just two hours per day can make a huge difference in people’s lives.

This is long term thinking. Think about lawyers and doctors. They go to school forever. They may not make good money for years and years. All their friends are making more than them and are done with school.

However, they keep striving away, studying, working and paying the price for the future. One day, they are a doctor or lawyer and begin making big money doing what they’ve worked so hard for.

That is long term thinking. I believe if people can adopt that type of thinking for Internet Marketing, then great things will happen.

Think about it. There are still millions and millions of people who are not even online yet. Still, many who are online have not purchased things online yet.

There are billions of people on the planet and new people are born every minute. There are only millions of people online, not billions.

So, shrink it down further. How many are into Internet Marketing? There are a very small percentage of people who are into Internet Marketing.

This means that you are way ahead of the game by simply being into IM. Even if you are brand new, you’re still way ahead of everybody else.

New people get turned on to IM every day. And, more and more people pull out that credit card and make their first purchase online every second.

And, there are many breakthrough opportunities still to come.

My point here is to think long term and plan long term. I know if I don’t quit, keep learning, keep taking action, keep investing in myself and my business that eventually I will succeed.

Want to know how to guarantee your success? Here it is… don’t ever quit. If you never quit, wouldn’t you agree you’re sure to succeed?

Monday, June 25, 2007

Online Secrets: Mega Joint Ventures - Part 2

They will most likely want your product to read, test, check out. They will want to maybe run a test of a smaller list they have. This is fine. It’s a numbers game.

If you have 10 separate JV partners testing, and checking out your product, this means traffic. I’m not saying use them to test your product either.

You should test your sales copy, product, etc. before contacting others. Run PPC at your website. Run some solo ads. Drive traffic to your site and get some experienced marketers to analyze your sales copy.

If you need to, outsource the writing of your copy. It’s that important. You want to make sure you have a good product with a great sales page, because your potential JV partners are going to analyze it.

Ok, let’s say you fail. Nobody wants to market your product. Not one marketer is willing to email their list.

Find out why…

Ask them what it was that turned them off and ask them to be brutally honest with you. What was it? Is it the product? Is it the sales copy? Is it that you don’t know me well? Just don’t tell me its lack of stats or conversion ratios.

Seriously find out why they did not work with you. Explain that you are passionate about IM and you want to soak up everything you can and learn, learn, learn... Help them help you.

Figure out what prevented them, and fix it. Then, approach them or different marketers again.

Keep doing it. Keep improving your offer. Focus on your business not the revenue. How good of a business do you have?

Yes, it may feel uncomfortable… but keep trying and attempting to JV. What’s the worst that can happen?

What’s the reward for finally landing a JV? How about building a larger list? How about making more money in a week then most make in a year?

Friday, June 22, 2007

Niche Marketing: Spring Board Sites

Spring board sites are sites where you place your ad, banner, etc. within your niche that drive targeted traffic to your site.

For example, let’s say you have a niche product on skin care. You find a site that receives tons of traffic and that site is on hair care. You can approach the webmaster and see if you can run an ad on their site.

You could exchange ads. You could joint venture.

This ad may pull tons of quality traffic. You see, it is important to continue to promote, promote, promote…

Proper research and execution can make all the difference in the world. In fact, you could even outsource this research. You could pay someone to go find springboard sites for you.

Monday, June 18, 2007

Online Secrets: Mega Joint Ventures - Part 1

We all know how important Joint Ventures are for our businesses right? I used to think that in order to have a joint venture I need to have a Super Product and I need to really know a Super Marketer.

I felt I had to have stats, conversion ratios, big time testimonials, blah blah blah…

I figured nobody will even consider JVing with me until I am already successful selling something. Hogwash!

Gurus will tell you that you need stats, conversion ratios, an Alexa rating, bells and whistles, a fat checking account, a new Lexus, etc.

Not true.

Yes, all that is great and helps entice another marketer to partner up with you, but it’s not a necessity. I can see guru’s mouths dropping right now if they are reading this.

I don’t care.

Here’s the truth. They do not want to partner up with ‘just’ anybody. They want something good, something new and something with a spin or marketing angle on it that will fit their list.

Also, they do not want to be the guinea pig. So, don’t make them the first JV.

Ok, let’s say you are going to try and ignite a JV so that you can send to lists. You set a goal to reach 20,000 subscribers. You need to JV right?

Well, instead of finding that one “Fat Cat” who has a huge list, why not find several small kittens that have smaller lists?

For example, instead of one marketer who has a 20,000 list – find 10 who have a 2,000 subscriber list! Or, find 5 who have a 4,000 list.

Poof! You’re rolling in the money…

Of course, you need a quality product with a USP (unique selling proposition). But, these people with lists (1,000, 2,000 or 5,000+) need something to send to their lists.

Provide it! They are as eager to send to their list as you are. They will be making money too.

Important: their list is their leverage. It’s their asset. It’s their gold! Respect their list and get them involved in the process.

Their largest fear is that they will ruin their list by sending out a piece of junk or some garbage. They fear they’ll wake up and ½ the list opted out and there are attacks made on them in forums.

Relieve their fears…

Friday, June 15, 2007

Niche Marketing: Outsourcing

I highly recommend you do some outsourcing. I use for most of my outsourcing because I can post cheap projects for under $100 each.

For example, I did not feel like uploading or installing a new script to my site and posted it there. I got it done for about $10. It may be no big deal for you to install that stuff, but I’d rather spend my time marketing…

I outsource a ton of stuff because my time is more valuable than money. As your business grows and you make more and more money, look forward to experimenting with outsourcing.

You could outsource a script or software to be written for you. Fill needs and wants by using the expertise of other people. Remember, you are into making money and marketing. Many others are not.

You can even outsource researching keywords for you. Let your imagination run wild. And, if you ever catching yourself grinding away on some particular task, think of posting it on a site like

Monday, June 11, 2007

Online Secrets: Building Relationships - Part 2

It’s like a snowball effect. You get to know a few people and it spreads. If you can get to know one successful marketer, that person can introduce you to many – many others.

Then, you can say or write things like, “my friend and successful marketer so-and-so…”

It’s leverage and it’s networking. It is growing your brand. It is making more money through other people, like the millionaire said at the beginning of this program…

Post on other marketer’s BLOGS. Send them emails telling them how much you learned or enjoy their products. Follow them (don’t stalk them). :)

Send people private messages through forums. Interact as often as possible with other people. Get people into a yahoo messenger or MSN messenger friend list. And, strike up conversations with them.

As you get to know others, brainstorm ideas and offer to help them in different ways. Be likeable.

I’d say that IM seminars are good to go to merely because of the opportunity to get to know others. Yes, you can learn some great stuff from the speakers and all. But, getting to know the speakers – or better yet the other attendees can be powerful.

Initiate JV’s. Partner up with others. Don’t be greedy and think you can do it all on your own. You need other people. Don’t fly solo. Think of it as you own your own business and you just partnered up with someone who can lift the business to new heights.

Friday, June 8, 2007

Niche Marketing: Researching Keywords

I use for most of my research on keywords. I highly recommend you try them out.

I will also type in my keywords on in order to see what type of competition is out there. It shows how many other websites are available with each keyword. If it’s under one million, then I think it’s a good keyword to continue researching.

I like this free site to use called it can provide some good information. I also use to check misspelled words and broaden my research.

I always go to and search keywords with their inventory tool. It shows how many people searched that particular keyword in the last month. You can also see how much people are paying for specific keywords using their bid tool.

Monday, June 4, 2007

Online Secrets: Building Relationships - Part 1

How important do you think it is to build quality relationships with others in your industry? I’d say it’s EXTREMELY IMPORTANT!

We will be getting into Joint Ventures in a moment. However, this is about “building relationships”. I find it crucial.

When I started actively trying to build relationships with other “like minded” marketers, my online success skyrocketed. I can look back now and actually see real proof of how my business was before I started building relationships and how it was once I started building relationships…

I can literally date back to a specific time and document where my business took off. It was once I started getting to know others.

Then, I went to an IM seminar. Oh, I actively met others and tried my best to get to know them. I exchanged business cards, gave them quality insight and techniques.

I delivered as best I could…

Now, I get opportunities all the time. Someone will call me up or email me saying that so-and-so referred them to me. I don’t know how many times I’ve heard, so-and-so said you’re pretty good at copywriting or mentoring, etc.

When I first arrived at the seminar, I went to register. The lady asked me for my name. When I gave it to her, she said, oh yeah, I know your name from the Warrior Forums. So-and-so did a JV with you.

I highly recommend you take this to heart. Building relationships could be the single most important thing you can do to grow your business…

Taking action is the most important, and I’d say building relationships is second… in my opinion.

Listen, you are about to learn about Joint Ventures. People who have large lists or can partner up with you can make a monumental difference.

Friday, June 1, 2007

Niche Marketing: Search Engine Optimization

One technique I use to get my site crawled quickly by the search engines is to post an ad on and other high ranking websites.

Your home page on your site should be where you focus on for search engine strategies. The home page caters more to the indexing or crawling of the search engines…

On your home page, you want to provide links to information within your site or the other pages. You also want to include keywords on your front page. It should load fast and not be boggled down with tons of graphics and files.

Also, include a site map. The site map will help indexing your site by search engines.
You can place keywords in your domain name as well. It is advised for you to use dashes instead of underscores.

I also use a site called to gain back-links. This is a nice site for taking advantage of such a strategy.

I also believe that it is good to post messages on forums and include your link in the signatures. These are back-links as well. Posting articles can get your links spread around the Internet.

Creating a blog also increases your search engine crawls.

Over time, you will be crawled over and over again and eventually you’ll start receiving traffic from places you have no idea where it came from.

Monday, May 28, 2007

Online Secrets: The Number One Key - Part 2

”There are millions of wasted million dollar ideas that remain in the minds of ordinary people.”
-Eric Louviere

Keep in mind, that taking action sets everything in motion. Think about that the next time you “pause”. Pausing is causing you to delay everything that is to be set in motion.

You have the intelligence, resources, and abilities to create a fortune for yourself. You know you do. The hard part is doing it. Make “action” a habit. It is what will separate you from average.

Send that email, make that phone call, attend that seminar, get that webpage designed, ask those questions, write that article, interview that person, create that joint venture, and set everything in motion.

You can do something to assure yourself that you will without a doubt take action... this ‘one-thing’ will hold you accountable for doing that thing you want to do.

You can find another similar minded person and ask them to help keep you focused. If you want to make money online, find someone who already has - and ask them to keep you in check as you continue to take action!!

I heard from Mike Filsaime that if you write down your goals you are 30% more likely to achieve them. However, if you have a coach/mentor who keeps you in check and helps you down that road to achieving your goals, you are 70% more likely to achieve the goals.

It jumps from 30% way on up to 70% with a coach or mentor. I believe in setting goals and expecting to achieve them.

Have 100% faith you will achieve the goals you write down and focus on. If you have any doubts that enter your mind about your goals, crush those thoughts.

Always expect your goals to be reached and expect them to be accomplished. It works.

Friday, May 25, 2007

Niche Marketing: Solo Ads

A solo ad is an ad that is sent out to an email list or ezine that only has your ad. You will want to do a bit of research on this as well. Select ezines or opt-in lists carefully.

Make sure the ezine will allow you to place your own subject line in the email that will be sent out. If they will not allow this, then I recommend not using that ezine.

Find ezines that are targeted to your niche.

Perhaps ask the list owner if they have references. Subscribe to the ezine yourself to get a feel for the quality. Find ezines that are sent out only a few times a week.

If you can find some good affordable ezines, you can create some quick and heavy traffic. Make sure to write a compelling ad copy as well.

Your ad should have a headline that captures people into reading the rest of your copy. Tell the reader what you are going to do (solve a problem).

Then, give them the solution and benefits. If you can, give the reader testimonials. Give the reader your unique selling proposition. What’s unique about your offer?

Then create urgency. “For a limited time” is an excellent urgency creator. Then, close the reader by having a call for action (Don’t delay, take action… click here now).

Monday, May 21, 2007

Online Secrets: The Number One Key - Part 1

Get your product up and running. Don’t worry about how great it has not yet become. There is plenty of time to tweak it and improve it. Your product/system needs to be up as soon as possible. There are millions/billions of people online and billions more to come so don’t worry about running out of customers.

It is much better to get your product up than it is to keep working on it and working on it trying to make it the greatest product in the world.

The sooner you get your product up, the sooner you’ll start making money. You’ll be one-day- closer to building a large opt-in list. Just do it. The lessons you learn by getting it up and running will be paramount.

Someone asked me what the single most important key to making money online is. I responded Action!

this word is what WILL keep many, many people from ever achieving anything.

…You’ve heard it before. Action sets everything in motion. Action is what separates you from average. Average does not take action. Do what average does not do.

Do this: look around you and just take note of all of the things that surround you this very moment. What do you see? Do you see a computer, a mouse, a television, keyboard, speakers, pens, calculator, desk, and light bulbs, paint and so on? All of those items started as an idea, a thought, and a concept… right? Someone somewhere thought of those items before it existed... It was taking action that made it possible and a reality. If not, the inventions would have remained in their minds. Nothing would have come from it.

Friday, May 18, 2007

Niche Marketing: Forums, Blogs, etc.

Do a search for message boards on your particular topics. I go to and see what I can dig up there when looking for forums on specific topics.

Here’s a real good secret technique most big time marketers never tell anyone about… You can pay people to post on message boards for you. Yep. It happens all the time.

You can go to and post a project for people to bid on for posting to message boards. They will post as themselves but use your links. This will create many back links to your webpage and get the product spread around the Internet.

They usually bid anywhere from .20 cents to .50 cents a post. This is another time saver and can really boost your business!

Monday, May 14, 2007

Online Secrets: List Building - Part 3

Who in the world would not want to JV with you? Imagine, you create you own product that retails for $77. You then send out an email to your responsive list, which trusts you…

You’ve created a bond with them for a good while now. You send out that email to 20k subscribers and 3% buy it immediately! Do you know how much money you just made?

Try $40k+ on for size. Is it possible? You betcha! Heck, try just 1% on for size. That’s a quick $15k.

That’s why it is so very important to cater to your list. That’s why it is so crucial to build a relationship with them. You want to bring in as many subscribers as possible while retaining as many as possible.

Picture a funnel. At the top of the funnel is all the new subscribers pouring into your auto-responder. At the bottom of that funnel are subscribers opting out.

You want to put a cap on the bottom of that funnel. By putting a cap on the bottom of that funnel, you’ll prevent subscribers from opting out. And, your cap on the bottom of that funnel is “building relationships”.

Wow! Do you see how powerful that is? That should surely get your excitement level way up for this business we call “Internet Marketing”!

Do you believe you can build such a list? You can! It takes focus and determination.

Here’s one last thing on building relationships and getting your subscribers to take action. Just like a testimonial on your sales copy helps build credibility, use other people’s comments as a way to get subscribers to take action.

If you look at the example I used with the story of a friend I saw at the post office, you’ll see I wrote a little about what my friend Terry Crim had to say.

This technique provokes people to take instant action… which is what you want.

Friday, May 11, 2007

Niche Marketing: Ebay

Ebay is another great source for selling informational products. Again, there is an art to making big money on Ebay and it takes learning, twisting, tweaking and testing to get the ball really rolling.

I turbo list my products on You can search turbo listing via ebay search to download it and set it up for free.
But, more importantly, I use Ebay to build a targeted niche list. If I have a product about dogs, I can utilize Ebay to grow my list of Dog lovers.

Monday, May 7, 2007

Online Secrets: List Building - Part 2

Here’s a quick example of how I’d start off an email:

Hi {name},

Geeze, I was going to the local post office today to pick up a package and ran into an old friend of mine. I have not seen this guy in years. He did not look so great honestly. Not the same guy I remembered back in college dorm days. He asked me what I do for a living and I said Internet Marketing. He did not understand of course. We talked for a while and I realized I could help him. He was obviously interested in what I do for a living and wanted to learn.

I invited him and his family over for grilling steaks and adult beverages. He was very enthusiastic and excited about learning IM, I had to teach him. I bet you that in no time, he’ll be driving a brand new car and working full time online.

I told my good friend and successful Internet Marketer Terry Crim about what I did for this old friend, and Terry said I should package this up and offer it to people. He really thought it was amazing!

Click here to see what I’ve taught him so far!

Do you see how that is probably very different than most of the auto-responder emails that pound your inbox daily? It is a story and it allows your list to get to know you.

By the way, did you go to click on the (Click here) at the end of that story? :)

Look, everyone teaches that the money is in the list and they are as right as can be. It is in the list and I believe everything you do should be targeted at building that list bigger and more responsive every single day.

Your list is an asset, like a portfolio of stocks that generate income for you. Imagine for just a moment that you have a list of 20,000 super responsive subscribers.

Can you imagine what kind of leverage that list will provide you? Heck, you would have all the power when it comes to JV’s. You’d have opportunity coming out your ears.

Friday, May 4, 2007

Niche Marketing: Pay Per Click

Remember that when I was researching niches I was also researching keywords and competition. At launch time, I already have a pretty good idea of keywords for my paid marketing campaign.

One thing I do is take my product topic and narrow it down further and further. I will go for low ranking keywords that cost .10 cents to .30 cents a click.

However, I will enter tons of keywords. I may have 1,000 keywords on Google Adwords that are not expensive keywords. However, if only 3 people click on each keyword per week, that is 3,000 clicks and at 10 to 30 cents per click.

Out of 3,000 clicks I will hope for at least a 2% conversion ratio. If my product sells for $27, that is $1620 per week.

There’s a lot to getting the PPC techniques down. I tend to twist, tweak and test keywords. I may start bidding high to get better click through rates… then lower my bids later on.

One technique that works great for me is I always take my keywords and put them into small ad groups. I then put the actual keyword into the title of the Google Ad. For example, if I’m using the keyword “niche products”, I will make sure to have “niche products” in the title.

This strategy helps with your ranking, click through ratios and bid amounts. Additionally, you don’t want to bid real low when you add new keywords. You want better click through rates and you can lower them later.

I never put the daily budget at $5.00 either. I will start it at $50, $100 or even more. You want to test it fast and find what’s working. You have to be willing to spend some money. It’s a testing and building process.

Now, even though I go for tons of keywords, there are usually a handful that are the big winners. They get the most clicks. So, I will pay more for those winners so that they rank high and get better click through ratings.

Once the click through ratio is high, Google rewards you and allows you to pay less per click while maintaining a high page rank. It takes money.

You may lose money when starting with Adwords. This is why it is so very important to capture leads and get subscribers. I place a one dollar figure on each subscriber I get in a niche market. Those niche subscribers are worth money!

I continue to test and split test my ads. I continue to test and tweak my sales page. It’s a system and it’s a process not an event. Adwords can be tricky. It’s worth the time, effort and money for me though… especially if I’m building a niche list.

Each keyword goes straight to a page that caters to that keyword. For example, if I have a “dog food” product and have a keyword that is “healthy pet food”, I will change my sales copy for that keyword and drive traffic to a page that has a headline that caters to “healthy pet food” instead of my main sales page that may have a headline that reads, “Dog Food”.

I may have another keyword that reads, “Natural Dog Food”. I’ll add another page to my site and have that ad link to this new page with a header that says, Give Your Dog All Natural Food”.

And so on…

Monday, April 30, 2007

Online Secrets: List Building - Part 1

Building a LARGE & RESPONSIVE list should be your mission. Over time, your responsive list is like the fat cow that can provide you milk for years to come.

I learned from Craig Perrine how important it is to build trust and a relationship with your list. To do this, be yourself and talk about yourself.

Most lists I’m on are all “sales pitching” and nuggets of information. Craig actually provides an ebook to his list. I mean, he delivers by explaining all about how important it is to build relationships.

If you write about yourself, people will feel like they know you. You may not be able to know them, but they will feel like they know you.

I started out this blog by telling a story about me and a millionaire I met. By doing that sort of thing with my list, it can become more responsive.

We all like doing business with people we know. That is because we trust the people we know more than the people we do not know.

Therefore, it’s paramount to build a relationship and be yourself. Write little stories about yourself and how you feel, your opinions and things that make you happy or mad.

Don’t just sell, sell and sell. People will stop reading your emails. Give them quality techniques and information. Find valuable information online, learn it and give it to them.
I will be getting into Joint Ventures later, but I want to bring up a point about Joint Ventures right now. If you are able to string together JV’s with others who have a list, then you can build up a nice sized list in no time.

For example, let’s say you joint venture with someone who has a list of 20,000. This JV partner sends out an email to the list pitching your product for a cut of the revenue…

Out of those 20,000 subscribers many will visit your website. Let’s say 30% visit your site. That’s 6,000 unique visitors.

Let’s say 10% opt in to your auto-responder, that’s 2,000 subscribers for you right there. And, 5% buy.

The numbers can vary of course, but you get the picture.

Now, imagine doing this over and over throughout the year. You could have your own list of 20,000 or more in a reasonable amount of time.

Once you have a list like this, you can build relationships with your clients. Make the list responsive as possible. Use this website to gather information from subscribers:

When writing to your list, always keep human emotions in mind. Appeal to their subconscious mind by striking these emotional chords.

Appeal to their love, desires, vanity, power, self actualization, pride, etc.

Get them conditioned to read your emails. Have a story, or drama, or controversy going on in your emails. Light a fire and create empathy within your emails.

Friday, April 27, 2007

Niche Marketing: Quick Money Making Products

One other technique I have used is to throw up a website on the Internet quickly. I may be interested in selling a product in a certain niche and just write the sales copy, slap a Pay Pal button on there and buy some Google Keywords.

I will not even have a product yet. I write the sales copy and drive targeted traffic. I want to see how the market responds to what I’m looking to do first.

I want to see if I’m on the right track. Is it selling? If it is, I just give those who bought a refund. Or, I’ve actually had a “buy now” button that goes to a page that says the product is not ready yet. Just track how many people clicked on that button. A large percentage of those clicks would have been sales if the product was ready.

The technique here is to test your idea, your unique selling proposition, your sales letter, your price, etc. before you even create the core product. This allows you to save time and money.

I believe this is an excellent lesson. I think this lesson could actually help new Internet Marketers “Break through”.

Here’s what I mean… many new marketers spend a lot of time preparing. They are trying to provide the perfect product because they believe it has to be “grand” in order to justify selling something to people.

They are trying to provide “best sellers” or the ultimate software. They create and keep creating, never really selling or promoting anything.

I bet many well written and valuable Ebooks never get sold and remain on the hard drives of marketers because they felt the products were not good enough to sell to the general public.

Many people sabotage their own success. Perhaps they are afraid to succeed. It’s true. Ok, imagine making $10 million dollars per month starting today. Wouldn’t that be a major change in your life? Wouldn’t you have to change some stuff, rearrange some things, etc.?

It’s true; I’m convinced that many people sabotage their own success. Don’t do that. Grow “yourself” along with your bank account and just go for it!! Don’t hold back!! Release your products to the public.

How will you climb up the stairs to the top if you don’t take all the necessary steps to get there?

The best way to learn how to make money online is to fail. Heck, fail a thousand times if you can. Then, you’ll know 1,000 ways to not do something. You’ll know what works and what does not. You’ll have the specialized knowledge and experience it takes to succeed big. You’ll know this industry so well; you’ll be able to teach it!

However, you’ll never get to that point if you don’t take the necessary “ACTIONS” to learn and experience what works.

People spend too much time trying to create a product they feel worthy selling. They may feel guilty accepting money for a product they created. People will spend way too much emotion on the products as well. They then get emotionally attached to the product… or may end up not selling it at all. Perhaps they feel guilty…
Just release your products and let it rip. Let the products fly! Don’t hold back.

Monday, April 23, 2007

Online Secrets: Sneaky & Sly Copywriting - Part 5

Let’s stick on topic. The point here is to focus on emotions. If you are selling a product on back pain, then you have to appeal to the emotions…

How does your reader feel when they arrive at your web site? Are they embarrassed, in pain, lonely, upset, panicky, worried, etc?

Well, however they feel make sure you help them relive it. They may not realize they have a problem. Remind them… and remind them well.

Help them relive that pain at the beginning and relate to what they are feeling. Express how you felt this way, and were so embarrassed or whatnot…

Then solve the problems by selling them your product.

The phrases and words you use have a deeper subconscious and psychological effect on the readers. You should use these techniques to your benefit.

Here’s another technique. Appeal to their imagination and paint pictures in their minds. Use visionary tactics…

Here’s an example:

I was able to go out and buy a new BMW745. I just love the new car smell. I can smell it just thinking about it right now.
When that black BMW arrived in my driveway, I was so excited. It was shinny and just oozed luxury. Even the sound of the engine was luxurious. I immediately felt the leather seats and sat down for a drive around the block. The leather is top quality and very cushiony.

With that paragraph I appealed to smell, touch, sound and vision.
It paints a mental picture and appeals to the senses…

One other technique is to use words in a manner that something has already happened. For example:

After you’re finished joining…

I’m assuming they are joining. This is a powerful technique as well. It’s selling on assumption.

After you have completed the following form…
Before you order the powerful ebook…

See how important words and psychological angles can create great results?

Effective copywriting can boost your income and allow your campaigns to become profitable. If you are not an effective copywriter, outsource it. Find someone who can do it for you.

I’ll get you a reasonable quote. Read the BLOGS I mentioned before and get acquainted with copywriting.

Friday, April 20, 2007

Niche Marketing: Plan Of Attack - Part 2

11) While I’m creating my book, I am also simultaneously creating leads. I go ahead and get my site designed with an auto-responder included. I want to first capture people interested in my niche. I don’t sell anything at first. I merely offer some free content or a newsletter in exchange for them signing up for my auto-responder. I also take parts out of my book and create articles. I’ll submit these articles while I’m creating my book. If I have a ghost writer, I’ll really dive into articles and marketing tactics prior to the book being finished.

12) I will then design my own ebook graphics for the site. If need be, outsource this as well. I believe it is important to have professional graphics that lend credibility and trust to your sales page and product.

13) Once my product is complete and edited, I contact people in my niche. I may contact people from my list, go to message boards, etc. I want testimonials. I give them the book for free if they will give me feedback or a testimonial. Or, I’ll even cut the price down in exchange for feedback.

14) Once I have some great testimonials, I put them on my site. This lends credibility.

15) I may launch my new product and allow affiliates from to sell it or I may not and keep it to myself. The reason I tend to keep it to myself is because many marketers go to for stealing ideas, in my opinion. So, I don’t want to hand other marketers my niche on a silver platter. However, sometimes it’s a good idea to use because you can gain affiliates who will help you market to even more people. This is your call.

16) I then use all those precious IM tactics, technique and tools we have at our disposal to market the heck out of my new niche product.

17) Once I have it launched and it is making some money, I move onto the next project. I’ll do something everyday to this niche, like write articles. However, I want to create many niche products so that I can have multiple streams of income flowing into my bank account daily!!

Monday, April 16, 2007

Online Secrets: Sneaky & Sly Copywriting - Part 4

Ok, moving on… Another technique you can use is straight out of sales 101. Use little questions throughout your copy. Use simple questions like these:

Isn’t it
Wouldn’t it
Don’t you agree?
You probably feel the same way, right?
Shouldn’t it?
Doesn’t it?

You get the picture, right? What this does is it gets the reader subconsciously saying “yes” throughout the copy.

If the reader is saying “yes” to themselves throughout the copy and agreeing with you, then it will be much easier to close them at the end – and make a sale.

This is powerful stuff you are learning here. Copywriters would probably shoot me in the head if they found out I’m teaching you these techniques.

Heck, I like using the word “heck” a lot too…

The seven deadly sins are also used in sales copy. Writers try to appeal to these emotions. Here they are:

· Envy
· Sloth
· Gluttony
· Wrath
· Pride
· Lust
· Greed

Yep. It’s true. You can use these emotions to light a fire under your readers’ butts. :)

Is that controversial?? You bet it is. I’m not holding back remember?

Friday, April 13, 2007

Niche Marketing: Plan Of Attack - Part 1

Niche products for me are easily found in two main places. Those two places are online and at bookstores. Either way, I get into research mode and start looking at niches.

Next, I will give you my plan of attack. I do have specific websites I often go to for different reasons and I’ll give you some in this blog. However, for now, I just want to give you the plan of attack. Sound good?

Here is a simple plan of attack:

1) I first want about 100 ideas or even more. So, I start out by just researching and brainstorming niches. This is my only mission at the time is to find ideas. I don’t want to go buy anything or register a new domain name. I just want ideas. So, I go to the bookstore, grab a cup of coffee, and browse from one area to the next reading the titles of the books on the shelves.

2) I keep a couple things at the top of my mind while browsing. I keep fresh in my mind that I am looking for emotions. I want to see “fire”. Is this a book that solves problems? Is it addressing an obsessed marketplace?

3) Next, I visit some research and keyword sites online and let my mind wonder. I want to stay focused on just brainstorming or researching niches.

4) Once I have some good ideas (it’s good to write them down while browsing), I go to a few sites online to see if there is competition. I want to see what others are selling and for what prices. I want to see how much the keywords are for advertising PPC. Mostly, I want to see exactly what the competition is doing. Is there opportunity?

5) Next I will search for articles on these specific niches. Are there many, many articles? What are these articles saying about my niche ideas? Is there a ton of competition and are there any opportunities?

6) Once I’ve done all this, it’s time to buy some stuff. I will go buy some books on the topic, competing websites products and read articles. I want to learn this niche. One other thing I can do is get bids from others to do this for me. This will cost more money but save me time., and are three places to find ghost writers.

7) I look for an angle to what’s out there. Many times, my competition is not using proven techniques and I can take advantage of that. For example, they may not have a good sales page. Or the site may look old and sloppy. I want to find a Unique Selling Proposition (USP). I want my own spin on the niche. My product can be faster, better, smarter and more marketable. Remember, someone who is into a “non-money making” product probably created a website because that’s what they love. They are into model airplanes, so they created a site. You on the other hand are into marketing and can capitalize on that situation.

8) Once I have my USP down, I look at domain names. I want something catchy with specific keywords and specific to the niche. I buy the domain name and move forward.

9) Next, I write the sales page. I get the sales page written before I create the publication. I do this because it helps me determine what extra information I need to go get and learn. I want my sales copy to be the greatest thing since sliced bread and it needs to capture people, create urgency and close them into buying right now. I tend to write it myself. However, others can do this for you… for a fee (usually expensive).

10) After my sales copy is made, I write the product or I outsource it to be written for me. I put all the information I’ve learned into my own words. I don’t steal or infringe on copyright laws, I merely learn facts… grow my own opinions, ideas, discussions and write about it. I may interview a few people in the field as well. I can ask questions and get their approval to use them in my new book.

To be continued...

Monday, April 9, 2007

Online Secrets: Sneaky & Sly Copywriting - Part 3

Let’s recap real quickly, ok?

* Three dots
* Flow phrases
* Quick 3 to 5 word sentences on a single line

The other technique is to use bullets as you may have guessed and just witnessed above. It’s a good way to spread out the white space and help format your text better.

It works doesn’t it?

After you have written your sales copy, scan it by not actually reading it. Just look at the format and the white space.

People tend to scan and most people are visual. They may not go through your copy with a microscopic eye…

Ok, moving on… You can use the three dots in the actual sentence like I just did. It adds white space and breaks up the sentence in a way.

One other technique is to use a hyphen in your sentences – for better flow. I just did that. You see that hyphen there?

You can use two hyphens also. The reader is flowing through your sales copy – sentence by sentence – up to the end. See how I used two hyphens?

…this stuff works

There I used the three dots to start the sentence. These little techniques may seem little, but it could make the difference between converting 5% of your readers as opposed to 1%.

Which could mean your Adwords campaign is actually making you money instead of losing it. More on that later…

Hey! I almost forgot. <- that works too.

Friday, April 6, 2007

Niche Marketing: Multiple Streams Of Income

Niche information products could be one of the best systems for creating multiple streams of income. Think about it for just a moment…

You could create 100 information products that each earns you income. As time goes on, many times these sites and products could earn you more and more.

New people get high-speed Internet service daily. Many countries are just now getting online. Billions are yet to come.

This means more “model boat lovers”. It also means more competition. It’s great that you are into making money online because you are still way ahead of the game.

As you stay involved and do not quit, you continue to gain valuable knowledge and experience in marketing informational products online.

You’re ahead of the game. But keep in mind that humans remain the same. We all have common needs, desires and problems.

I would much rather have 100 different information products that each makes me $100 per month than one product that makes me $10,000 per month.

If that big $10k product goes down the tubes for some reason (like competition) I’m done and need to create another **best seller** very soon…

Not with 100 different products. If 20 go down the tubes one year, I’ve already replaced them with 20 to 40 new ones. The longer your site is live and active, the more times it gets crawled by the search engines.

If you have a site and it sells a $27 product, it would take about 4 sales to make $100 per month. Can you make 5 more just like this one but under different niches?

5 sites would get you $500 per month of easy residual income. 20 sites would be 2k per month. You get the picture.

I can pop out new small websites quickly. I actually had the thought jump in my head that I could create 1,000 websites if I wanted to. All I would need is just one person out there in Internet Land to buy one of my products per month – per site.

If I had 1,000 sites all automated and sold a $27 product on each of them, I could generate $27k per month… and that’s only if one product sold per month, per site. I know 1,000 sites is a lot.

However, the example does drive home the concept that there is an abundance of niches you could penetrate and earn a six figure income online. It’s real and is being done by many.

Make yourself $1,000 per month first. Once you’ve accomplished that… wash, rinse and repeat it 10 more times!

Monday, April 2, 2007

Online Secrets: Sneaky & Sly Copywriting - Part 2

It’s SALES & MARKETING. You are trying to sell something and it should be written in a conversational tone. I know of people who actually record themselves first and then write it.

That way it writes in a conversational tone. Act like you are writing to a friend, family member or significant other. Know what I mean?

You see, I believe another good phrase is “you see”. It’s a good way to start a sentence and flow onto the next one.

What’s most important is that you pay attention to how I’m actually writing right now. Perhaps, re-read this section again so you can see for yourself what I’m doing right now…

Another technique is to use the three dots after a sentence like this…

You see those three dots (…)?

It helps the reader move on to the next sentence. I often try to use the three dots after every other paragraph or so.

So, you can use the three dots on one paragraph, and then use the catchy flow phrases on the next paragraph, then the three dots again on the following paragraph…

Also, use the quick two to five word sentences on a line to itself. These three techniques help the reader flow onto the next sentence. Each flows into the next one and the reader has no idea what’s going on.

Know what I mean?

Here’s an example:

This is the paragraph in your sales copy that will end with the three dots. Those three dots will flow the reader onto this next sentence

By the way, the three dots actually have a name. The three dots are called something. I just don’t remember and don’t feel like Googling it.

That’s lazy huh?

Ok, that’s the example above. The highlighted portions are the techniques. Each technique works. Get used to using them.

Friday, March 30, 2007

Niche Marketing: Creating Your Own Niche Products

After I’ve found a niche, I go to and post a project. I may post a project for a 20 page report to be written. This may cost me $100 or less. Once the book is finished, I’ve got my product. It’s that easy.

Here are the magic ingredients:

1. Find a niche that is in a hungry marketplace where people spend money for your type of product already. Make sure you can compete in the niche.
2. Find affiliate programs that match up with your niche product.
3. Create your own product by writing it yourself or by outsourcing it on or similar bid sites.
4. Create a dynamic sales page for the product.
5. Promote, promote, promote and just keep on promoting it.
6. Build a list
7. See number 5 above
8. Do it again with another niche

That’s the magic formula. The key is number 5. Many people fall short there. Don’t stop promoting it. That’s where the money is. The more targeted traffic you get, the more money you will make (period).

Number 6 is very – very important. By building a large list of a targeted market niche, you can promote over and over. Imagine having a list of 10,000 dog lovers. You can promote a different product to them two or three times a week forever.

“The Most Important Thing To Do Is Keep Promoting Your Site Over and Over Until You Are Making Serious Money And Are Plastered All Over The Internet!”

How could you fail? If you have a decent product that reaches a hungry market niche and you promote it non-stop everyday, you are sure to make serious money online.

Monday, March 26, 2007

Online Secrets: Sneaky & Sly Copywriting - Part 1

Copywriting is crucial. If you are going to write your own copy then here are some techniques and advice to follow.

The main objective in your copy is what? Aside from make sales and convert, it is to get the visitor to read it!

It should be formatted in a nice flowing manner. I recommend lots of white space and two sentence paragraphs – instead of those long jumbled together paragraphs that subconsciously frustrate the reader and cause them to leave your website. A good example would be this paragraph you are reading right now. J

It’s much better to have small paragraphs with two or three sentences at most. A good example is this one you are reading now.

You want your readers to flow from one sentence to the next one. Your very first sentence hands the baton off to the next sentence and so on. There are key words or phrases you can use to achieve this.

For example, a good way to start a sentence is “For example”. By the way, another good way to keep the reader reading is to use the phrase “by the way”.

Catching on?

See how I wrote a two word sentence just now? That stuff works. You do not want to write like your English teacher taught you. This is different.

Friday, March 23, 2007

Niche Marketing: Affiliate Niche Products

Affiliate Niche Products are everywhere. You can sign up for free at and find all sorts of niche products. You can use this handy tool to search

Let’s say you are looking to start a site that sells a product on dog training. Simply type “dog training” into the search on that site and find affiliate programs on dog training or whatever you are looking for.

Also, use Simply type in affiliate program: “keyword”. Search to find if there are any affiliate programs in your desired niche.

If there are, then sign up for their newsletter and maybe even purchase their product. How is their sales page? Can you create a better one? How is their product? Can you create a better one?

You can also promote their products. I recommend you set up your own site with an auto-responder. Capture leads and subscribers to your list.

For example, let’s say you are going to go after the “dog” niche. Grab a domain name and get it hosted. Write a nice sales copy where you offer to give away some valuable information for free.

Then have the visitors fill out your auto-responder form in order to receive the free information. Your auto-responder is to be fully automated. Your first email to them will provide a free report or article on “dog health” as an example. Your next email should pitch an affiliate program you are representing. You may be representing a “dog training” affiliate program.

Since you have subscribers who are interested in “Dogs”, then you can search to find other “pet” or “dog” affiliate programs and pitch those to your list as well. You may also decide to create your own product and sell it to your list.

By using this technique, you grow your list along with making money selling affiliate products. You may then decide to cross sell your list. If people are interested in dog training, they may also be interested in other pets, such as fish, aquariums, birds, etc.

The “dog” business is a multi-billion dollar industry, so you should have no problems providing your list with valuable information and products or services.

You may decide to install forums on your site as well. Forums help with traffic and search rankings. Start small and grow your forums over time. You may use Google Adsense to further monetize your business.

One more technique you can use is up-selling your customers with affiliate programs. Let’s say you create an ebook on “dog health”. Once a customer buys your product, you can offer them a “dog training” product (which is an affiliate link). You just increased your profit from that one customer by providing a simple link to a product you fully recommend.

Some will buy the affiliate product and some will not. However, it’s increased profit.

I also use affiliate programs as a way to create my own products. If I have an affiliate program that is profiting well for me, I may look to have an ebook written that is in the same niche. For example, I can easily post a project on for a writer to provide me an ebook on “dog training”. Once that book is finished, I own it forever.

I can sell that ebook on or where ever I chose for years to come. I already know that the affiliate program worked for me, so my own product should work as well. In fact, if I’m promoting an affiliate product that sells for $47 and my commission is $27, then I can create my own product and make the full $47 instead of the $27 I was making.

Monday, March 19, 2007

Online Secrets: Presentation - Part 5

I’ll get more into copywriting in just a second. I just want you to fully understand just how HUGE “presentation” is. Present yourself as an expert.

Some people just start out as if they are already successful and I recommend it. In other words, “fake it until you make it”.

Yes, that’s controversial. It’s quite controversial and that statement would be ripped apart by many publicly.

I’m quite sure of it. However, it’s true in my opinion. And people who understand how important “presentation” is, understand fully that the phrase “fake it until you make it” applies effectively.

I’m not saying that you should not tell the truth either. I’m saying present yourself as if you are already what you want to become.

Here’s why it’s so important. P.T. Barnum was a tremendous marketer. He dazzled crowds of people and raised much controversy with his tactics and exhibits.

He was a master marketer. Once, he had an exhibit in some small town auditorium. The problem was nobody showed up. So, he sent a guy out into the street and made him walk down the street and back into the auditorium.

The man did this over and over. He kept walking out and walking back in. So, other pedestrians saw this and wondered what he was doing. After a while, a couple people followed the man into the auditorium – and did not come back out.

The man kept walking back and forth, in and out. And, more people followed him in. People began wondering why the others who were following him into the auditorium were staying inside.

After a while, Mr. Barnum had a nice sized crowd paying to enter each exhibit. Nice huh? That’s powerful if you think about it.

People flock towards curiosity and controversy. If you can make your product somewhat controversial, it could generate many sales.

What does this P.T. Barnum story have to do with “fake it until you make it”? Well, people follow other people. If people feel you are a success, they’ll follow – and others will follow the followers.

Yes, it’s to be debated and I’m sure some will find this unfitting, but I don’t care. I’m writing my opinions and not holding back. Fair?

The way your present yourself, your products and your marketing will have a deep impact on your results. I fully recommend you study this.

The more you understand “presentation” and copywriting, the more successful you shall be…

Let’s get into copywriting some more…

Friday, March 16, 2007

Niche Marketing: Non-Money Making Products

Because so much competition is involved with money making products, it may become easier to dominate specific keywords within a non-money making niche.

If you are into Internet Marketing, then there is the opportunity to take what you’ve learned and use it towards non-money making niches…

For example, let’s say you select a product on remote control model boats. It is possible that other competing sites do not know as much as you do about marketing on the Internet. Or, have the passion for marketing.

They may not know that they can submit articles to many, many free directories and gain links and traffic. Or, perhaps they are not into the latest techniques to drive traffic through PPC. And yet, they may have no knowledge whatsoever of the abundance of Internet Marketing tools that exist, or that adding audio increases conversion, and so on…

I believe this is where many marketers fall short. They focus and focus on IM products and never really put solid effort into growing niche products. It just does not spark their fires.

Once they start seeing results and money being made, then they may dive right in and start creating multiple niche products.

I believe it’s important to keep in mind that niche products that feed a hungry market can be created very easily. Many marketers put in many hours and lots of money trying to gain an edge and make thousands from something they truly are obsessed about – making money.

Find a market with customers who are as obsessed about their needs and wants as you may be about making money online.

Monday, March 12, 2007

Online Secrets: Presentation - Part 4

They orchestrated their speeches and choreographed them with psychology and practice. Just like a professionally written sales letter…

With writing sales copy, many top copywriters include such psychology as appealing to the seven deadly sins, like greed, lust and envy.

There is a lot going on behind the scenes. Imagine you are watching a live broadcast on television of some event, like a football game. All you see is the game, an occasional shot of the fans in the stands and you hear the commentators’ voices.

However, there is a multitude of stuff going on you do not see. There are tons of cameras, people in the trucks working the computers, commercials, technical stuff, etc.

It’s like a puppet master. All you see is the puppets and maybe the tiny strings.

Presentation is so huge in marketing. Your sales copy has to appeal to emotions and create urgency. If I’m looking for a product to help with my high blood pressure, and I click on a website, it better sell me “big-time” that they have something nobody else has (including my doctor).

I believe that if you want to know the secret to success online, it’s called copywriting. If you are not good at copywriting, I recommend 200% that you read up and learn all you can on it.

You can pay others to write it for you if this is a weakness. It should be your most expensive cost, in my opinion.

Here are a couple BLOGS I read on copywriting:
This one is Michel Fortin’s copywriting Blog
This one is David Garfinkel’s BLOG

Both great copywriters and offer great discussions on their BLOGS. Plus Michel Fortin’s Blog has a list of other copywriters at the time I’m writing this.

Friday, March 9, 2007

Niche Marketing: Hobbies & Particular Interest

People are into all sorts of things. Some are completely off the wall and yet others are very common among many people.

Here are some examples of hobbies and special interests:

Bass Fishing
Military products
Sewing dresses
Making Beads
Growing fruit and vegetables
Barbeque cooking
Model trains and airplanes
Remote control cars and boats
Stained Glass
Baseball cards
Really small novelty books
Natural foods
Psychic Mediums
Beer mugs
Making coffee tables
Antique cars
Writing screenplays

The list is unlimited. One thing to keep in mind with this category of products is that there may not be an incredible amount of “need”. This falls under the “wants” category. However, if someone is really into a hobby or special interest, they may buy multiple products over and over again.

For example, someone may buy numerous products on astrology over and over again each year. Therefore, there may be numerous opportunities to cross over into other areas of special interest.

For example, someone who is into Astrology may also be interested in psychic stuff, aliens and mystical type information. Sell them something in the backend as an up-sell. If someone is into Astronomy and they “click to buy” your product, up-sell them on an affiliate program that targets Psychic stuff or Mystical stuff.

Also, many of us will buy something we “want” quicker than something we “need”. I may spend $50 easily on dinner yet hesitate to spend that much towards something I need.

Make sure you get as many of your customers on your auto-responder because you will want to sell them “cross” stuff over and over.

Monday, March 5, 2007

Online Secrets: Presentation - Part 3

Ok, I’m not ripping on gurus at all. Alright, maybe just a little… There were a few of the speakers who were approachable and even came up and joined in on conversations on their own.

One of the speakers at this particular seminar was Craig Perrine. He had very good things to say. I approached him first and he respected that. I had a couple of nice conversations with him. In fact, he pulled up a chair and had lunch with me and another attendee.

Craig is big on list building. He had very good tips and techniques on doing just that. We will get into that more later on in this publication.

Craig had a way of building trust with the attendees. Therefore he stood out in my mind. He presented himself as an expert (he is) and he spoke in a way that represented how successful he has become.

All the speakers started out by telling a little about themselves. You know, the proverbial “I was just like you once and now I’m a super hero” type discussion.

It built a bond with the audience. And, of course they had to slightly flash proof of their success, “screen-captures of income, etc.”

Through the presentations, the speakers would then go onto giving us a few nuggets of information and then close with their sales pitch on persuading us to buy their thousand dollar products.

Why was each speaker’s presentation similar in format, structure and delivery to each other? I thought they all read the same “how to be a seminar guru” ebook or something…

It’s all about presentation.

Friday, March 2, 2007

Niche Marketing: ''How To'' Products

There are an unlimited amount of opportunities with “how to products”. Just place the words, “How to” in front of just about anything and you’ve got yourself a product. Here are many examples to get your “brain” wheels spinning:

How to add on an extra room to your house
How to build your own fence
How to pay off the IRS
How to grow the perfect lush lawn
How to advertise
How to write the perfect yellow page ad
How to start a restaurant
How to start a Chinese restaurant when you are not Chinese
How to stop your cat from urinating on your carpet
How to build your own house for less than you think
How to buy a car for a penny
How to dream big
How to catch a thief
How to win at craps
How to win at everything
How to drive relaxed
How to lose weight while you work at the computer
How to massage your wife
How to get your wife to cook more
How to train your bird to talk
How to create your own stationary
How to make soap
How to travel and rent condos for 60% less than normal rates
How to negotiate
How to be a perfect dad
How to get your boss raving about you
How to plan your 25 year anniversary gathering
How to use Photoshop to create websites
How to speed read
How to win a child custody battle
How not to get a divorce
How to manage your time better
How to get the most out of your new BMW
How to get out of your lease
How to get your deposit back from a greedy landlord
How to maintain your salt water aquarium
How to increase your batting average 50 points overnight
How to hire a lawyer
How to write a book
How to market on message boards
How to get your teenage daughter to stop talking back
How to grow old – you old goat
How to get any job you interview for
How to lose weight eating cereal
How to sing like a rock star
How to kick my caffeine addiction
How to stop my teeth from grinding when I sleep
How to be more romantic
How to pop the question

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Online Secrets: Presentation - Part 2

Ever see the movie Schindler’s List? At the beginning of the movie Liam Neeson provides a very good example of ‘presentation’. He gets his best suit, grabs a handful of cash and goes to some big party where all these major German soldiers were. He bought them drinks and dazzled them with presentation. They had to know who he was. He got their business as well.

I think you get the picture of what I mean by presentation. At Internet Marketing seminars, “presentation” is in full effect. When I attended my first live seminar, I noticed the speakers were into their presentation mode.

Of course right? I mean I would be too. They stand up there and speak, flash their money, act seriously important and successful. Heck, the audience wants what they have. They know that.

After the seminar, there are mixers. Attendees eat and have drinks in the hotel lounge mingling with each other (including the speakers). I noticed that the speakers were mostly around each other.

I walked up to two of them during a 15 minute break. I was standing right there next to both of them. I waited for them to stop speaking so that I could tell one of them how much I liked his stuff.

So, I waited… and waited… and waited… and then said the heck with this I’m moving on to talk with the attendees. I learned so much from the attendees it’s not even funny. Most of them were just like me. They wanted to learn and offer what they know. It was an exchange of ideas, techniques and information.

Not so with the big-time celebrity gurus. Oh, they had very little specific techniques. In fact, one attendee gave me a tip for Google Adwords that I never knew for example.

The technique is to put this in the subject line:

Let’s say your keyword is “Dog”

{KeyWord: Dog}

What that will do is make the title or subject line on your Google ad have the exact same text as what they type. So, if someone types in “Big Dog” it will say Big Dog in your title of your ad.

Friday, February 23, 2007

Niche Marketing: Health & Diet Products

Products that appeal to the health and diet markets are also good sellers. This can be narrowed down into niches as well. There are many, many types of diseases people suffer from. Doctors spend very little time informing or educating patients on the disease or health problem they face.

Doctors have many patients and witness this sort of stuff all day long, everyday. So, providing an information product that elaborates on specific health problems is a good niche to get into.

There are also emotions involved here as well. Again, you are solving problems and helping people. Do you see a common trend in these product categories?

To narrow this down even further, people are starting to look more and more into natural remedies and health foods. As more and more baby boomers reach an older age, these sorts of products could experience a nice boom online.

You could have a portfolio of health related information products that each bring in a nice income if you start now. Alternative medicine, spiritual healing, mediation, quantum physics, etc. are all examples of narrowing it down.

Each one of those can be narrowed down even further. Alternative medicine can be narrowed down and narrowed down again. There are niches within niches.

Monday, February 19, 2007

Online Secrets: Presentation - Part 1

Presentation is everything! Gurus use it with a talent. People who have a gift for writing effective sales copy are some very highly paid people online. The gurus know this… and they know it well.

The manner in which you present your product on that first page of your site is HUGE! I mentioned swift marketing before. That’s what this is. The sales page is so well thought out and properly planned that it begs you to buy. It creates urgency to buy now. It gives you a money back guarantee. Many times, visitors don’t even read it all the way through. They get so excited; they scroll down to the bottom and buy!

Presentation is everything! You could have a terrible product and still make a killing if the sales copy is great.

Now, think about Anthony Robbins… He’s a guru and great at presenting himself and his products. What or who does he target or market to? What market or niche does he sell to? You want to lose weight, let me convince you I am the God of weight loss. You want to be rich… I’ll get you so pumped, you’ll float.

Get the picture? Heck, he took NLP and created his own products out of it when he started out. He has a gift. By the way, I like his stuff. I’ve always had a burning desire to succeed, so he appealed to me.

Presentation! Always keep it in mind. Marketers add audio to help with presentation, because it increases conversions and more people buy for example.

People show copies of checks, PayPal statements, etc. to light you up and get you excited about getting those revenues too… even if those claims are not true. Yep. I know that people throw up false statements and fake checks to get you to buy now.

Remember, it’s about presentation. It’s swift marketing. It’s impulse. It’s selling you over and over and over.

It’s about closing you by creating urgency.

Have I pounded this topic to death yet? I’ll say one last thing about it. I know someone that leased a very expensive sports car. He then rented a beautiful office. He parked his car right there in plain site. As potential clients came to meet with him, they were impressed.
They signed the dotted line and he made a fortune. He dazzled them with “presentation”. He knew his sports car and beautiful office helped him close deals. Therefore it was a way of increasing conversions.