Monday, May 28, 2007

Online Secrets: The Number One Key - Part 2

”There are millions of wasted million dollar ideas that remain in the minds of ordinary people.”
-Eric Louviere

Keep in mind, that taking action sets everything in motion. Think about that the next time you “pause”. Pausing is causing you to delay everything that is to be set in motion.

You have the intelligence, resources, and abilities to create a fortune for yourself. You know you do. The hard part is doing it. Make “action” a habit. It is what will separate you from average.

Send that email, make that phone call, attend that seminar, get that webpage designed, ask those questions, write that article, interview that person, create that joint venture, and set everything in motion.

You can do something to assure yourself that you will without a doubt take action... this ‘one-thing’ will hold you accountable for doing that thing you want to do.

You can find another similar minded person and ask them to help keep you focused. If you want to make money online, find someone who already has - and ask them to keep you in check as you continue to take action!!

I heard from Mike Filsaime that if you write down your goals you are 30% more likely to achieve them. However, if you have a coach/mentor who keeps you in check and helps you down that road to achieving your goals, you are 70% more likely to achieve the goals.

It jumps from 30% way on up to 70% with a coach or mentor. I believe in setting goals and expecting to achieve them.

Have 100% faith you will achieve the goals you write down and focus on. If you have any doubts that enter your mind about your goals, crush those thoughts.

Always expect your goals to be reached and expect them to be accomplished. It works.

Friday, May 25, 2007

Niche Marketing: Solo Ads

A solo ad is an ad that is sent out to an email list or ezine that only has your ad. You will want to do a bit of research on this as well. Select ezines or opt-in lists carefully.

Make sure the ezine will allow you to place your own subject line in the email that will be sent out. If they will not allow this, then I recommend not using that ezine.

Find ezines that are targeted to your niche.

Perhaps ask the list owner if they have references. Subscribe to the ezine yourself to get a feel for the quality. Find ezines that are sent out only a few times a week.

If you can find some good affordable ezines, you can create some quick and heavy traffic. Make sure to write a compelling ad copy as well.

Your ad should have a headline that captures people into reading the rest of your copy. Tell the reader what you are going to do (solve a problem).

Then, give them the solution and benefits. If you can, give the reader testimonials. Give the reader your unique selling proposition. What’s unique about your offer?

Then create urgency. “For a limited time” is an excellent urgency creator. Then, close the reader by having a call for action (Don’t delay, take action… click here now).

Monday, May 21, 2007

Online Secrets: The Number One Key - Part 1

Get your product up and running. Don’t worry about how great it has not yet become. There is plenty of time to tweak it and improve it. Your product/system needs to be up as soon as possible. There are millions/billions of people online and billions more to come so don’t worry about running out of customers.

It is much better to get your product up than it is to keep working on it and working on it trying to make it the greatest product in the world.

The sooner you get your product up, the sooner you’ll start making money. You’ll be one-day- closer to building a large opt-in list. Just do it. The lessons you learn by getting it up and running will be paramount.

Someone asked me what the single most important key to making money online is. I responded Action!

this word is what WILL keep many, many people from ever achieving anything.

…You’ve heard it before. Action sets everything in motion. Action is what separates you from average. Average does not take action. Do what average does not do.

Do this: look around you and just take note of all of the things that surround you this very moment. What do you see? Do you see a computer, a mouse, a television, keyboard, speakers, pens, calculator, desk, and light bulbs, paint and so on? All of those items started as an idea, a thought, and a concept… right? Someone somewhere thought of those items before it existed... It was taking action that made it possible and a reality. If not, the inventions would have remained in their minds. Nothing would have come from it.

Friday, May 18, 2007

Niche Marketing: Forums, Blogs, etc.

Do a search for message boards on your particular topics. I go to and see what I can dig up there when looking for forums on specific topics.

Here’s a real good secret technique most big time marketers never tell anyone about… You can pay people to post on message boards for you. Yep. It happens all the time.

You can go to and post a project for people to bid on for posting to message boards. They will post as themselves but use your links. This will create many back links to your webpage and get the product spread around the Internet.

They usually bid anywhere from .20 cents to .50 cents a post. This is another time saver and can really boost your business!

Monday, May 14, 2007

Online Secrets: List Building - Part 3

Who in the world would not want to JV with you? Imagine, you create you own product that retails for $77. You then send out an email to your responsive list, which trusts you…

You’ve created a bond with them for a good while now. You send out that email to 20k subscribers and 3% buy it immediately! Do you know how much money you just made?

Try $40k+ on for size. Is it possible? You betcha! Heck, try just 1% on for size. That’s a quick $15k.

That’s why it is so very important to cater to your list. That’s why it is so crucial to build a relationship with them. You want to bring in as many subscribers as possible while retaining as many as possible.

Picture a funnel. At the top of the funnel is all the new subscribers pouring into your auto-responder. At the bottom of that funnel are subscribers opting out.

You want to put a cap on the bottom of that funnel. By putting a cap on the bottom of that funnel, you’ll prevent subscribers from opting out. And, your cap on the bottom of that funnel is “building relationships”.

Wow! Do you see how powerful that is? That should surely get your excitement level way up for this business we call “Internet Marketing”!

Do you believe you can build such a list? You can! It takes focus and determination.

Here’s one last thing on building relationships and getting your subscribers to take action. Just like a testimonial on your sales copy helps build credibility, use other people’s comments as a way to get subscribers to take action.

If you look at the example I used with the story of a friend I saw at the post office, you’ll see I wrote a little about what my friend Terry Crim had to say.

This technique provokes people to take instant action… which is what you want.

Friday, May 11, 2007

Niche Marketing: Ebay

Ebay is another great source for selling informational products. Again, there is an art to making big money on Ebay and it takes learning, twisting, tweaking and testing to get the ball really rolling.

I turbo list my products on You can search turbo listing via ebay search to download it and set it up for free.
But, more importantly, I use Ebay to build a targeted niche list. If I have a product about dogs, I can utilize Ebay to grow my list of Dog lovers.

Monday, May 7, 2007

Online Secrets: List Building - Part 2

Here’s a quick example of how I’d start off an email:

Hi {name},

Geeze, I was going to the local post office today to pick up a package and ran into an old friend of mine. I have not seen this guy in years. He did not look so great honestly. Not the same guy I remembered back in college dorm days. He asked me what I do for a living and I said Internet Marketing. He did not understand of course. We talked for a while and I realized I could help him. He was obviously interested in what I do for a living and wanted to learn.

I invited him and his family over for grilling steaks and adult beverages. He was very enthusiastic and excited about learning IM, I had to teach him. I bet you that in no time, he’ll be driving a brand new car and working full time online.

I told my good friend and successful Internet Marketer Terry Crim about what I did for this old friend, and Terry said I should package this up and offer it to people. He really thought it was amazing!

Click here to see what I’ve taught him so far!

Do you see how that is probably very different than most of the auto-responder emails that pound your inbox daily? It is a story and it allows your list to get to know you.

By the way, did you go to click on the (Click here) at the end of that story? :)

Look, everyone teaches that the money is in the list and they are as right as can be. It is in the list and I believe everything you do should be targeted at building that list bigger and more responsive every single day.

Your list is an asset, like a portfolio of stocks that generate income for you. Imagine for just a moment that you have a list of 20,000 super responsive subscribers.

Can you imagine what kind of leverage that list will provide you? Heck, you would have all the power when it comes to JV’s. You’d have opportunity coming out your ears.

Friday, May 4, 2007

Niche Marketing: Pay Per Click

Remember that when I was researching niches I was also researching keywords and competition. At launch time, I already have a pretty good idea of keywords for my paid marketing campaign.

One thing I do is take my product topic and narrow it down further and further. I will go for low ranking keywords that cost .10 cents to .30 cents a click.

However, I will enter tons of keywords. I may have 1,000 keywords on Google Adwords that are not expensive keywords. However, if only 3 people click on each keyword per week, that is 3,000 clicks and at 10 to 30 cents per click.

Out of 3,000 clicks I will hope for at least a 2% conversion ratio. If my product sells for $27, that is $1620 per week.

There’s a lot to getting the PPC techniques down. I tend to twist, tweak and test keywords. I may start bidding high to get better click through rates… then lower my bids later on.

One technique that works great for me is I always take my keywords and put them into small ad groups. I then put the actual keyword into the title of the Google Ad. For example, if I’m using the keyword “niche products”, I will make sure to have “niche products” in the title.

This strategy helps with your ranking, click through ratios and bid amounts. Additionally, you don’t want to bid real low when you add new keywords. You want better click through rates and you can lower them later.

I never put the daily budget at $5.00 either. I will start it at $50, $100 or even more. You want to test it fast and find what’s working. You have to be willing to spend some money. It’s a testing and building process.

Now, even though I go for tons of keywords, there are usually a handful that are the big winners. They get the most clicks. So, I will pay more for those winners so that they rank high and get better click through ratings.

Once the click through ratio is high, Google rewards you and allows you to pay less per click while maintaining a high page rank. It takes money.

You may lose money when starting with Adwords. This is why it is so very important to capture leads and get subscribers. I place a one dollar figure on each subscriber I get in a niche market. Those niche subscribers are worth money!

I continue to test and split test my ads. I continue to test and tweak my sales page. It’s a system and it’s a process not an event. Adwords can be tricky. It’s worth the time, effort and money for me though… especially if I’m building a niche list.

Each keyword goes straight to a page that caters to that keyword. For example, if I have a “dog food” product and have a keyword that is “healthy pet food”, I will change my sales copy for that keyword and drive traffic to a page that has a headline that caters to “healthy pet food” instead of my main sales page that may have a headline that reads, “Dog Food”.

I may have another keyword that reads, “Natural Dog Food”. I’ll add another page to my site and have that ad link to this new page with a header that says, Give Your Dog All Natural Food”.

And so on…