Friday, August 3, 2007

Niche Marketing: Setting An Action Plan & Goals

I read somewhere that the more time you take to prepare, the less time it takes to execute. I believe this. Time management is one of the most important skills a person can develop. I mean, you only have 24 hours in a day. How you decide to use those 24 hours is up to you. You have good control on how you spend your time.

If you spend your time in the “dimension of distraction” then you may not get many results out of your time spent.

Time is precious. I know I want more of it. I want time to spend doing the things I want to do.

Since time is so precious, spend it wisely. How do we do that?
Well, planning is one way to ensure you spend your time wisely.

If you believe (like I do) that the more time you spend planning, the less time it takes to execute… then that’ll save you time.

Spending more time planning can ensure you are using your time wisely. Try this… grab a notebook and pen and go sit in a quiet place for one hour. Dedicate yourself to 1 hour of quiet time. Spend that entire hour planning actions steps for your business (or whatever you want to plan).

I bet, you will get more done and accomplish much more by doing that… than winging it. Your results will be far greater. You’ll have a few “Ah Ha” moments. Things will become clearer. How’s that for focus?

I recommend you try planning your time before you spend that time. If you are going to be on the Internet for two hours, spend 10 minutes planning before you turn the computer on. If you enjoy planning, spend 20 minutes or even more.

Then, execute your plan!

Do this each day. Become a planning maniac. Do this and positive results will follow. I’m quite certain. This single lesson could be a “breakthrough” for many people in business. It’s that important.

Combine the lessons of “taking effective action” with “focusing on results” and “planning/time management” and you’ll be so far ahead of everyone else it’s amazing…

Now, let’s add another ingredient to success. You’ve heard this one before. We all have.

“Set goals”…

Here’s my take on setting goals… they are useless if you do not fully 100% believe the goals will be obtained. This may go against what many teach or believe. Many say to set high goals that stretch you. Yeah, that’s fine and dandy.

I think setting high goals are great… as long as you fully believe you can reach these high goals. If there is any doubt in your mind at all, forget it.

You have to FULLY believe it. There can be no doubt. 100% faith is required. Failure is not an option. If you can believe in that manner, then set the goal.

Here’s what I do… I set a goal six months to twelve months out. I place a firm mental picture of that goal. If that goal is to make a certain amount of money, I pound that goal into my head. I fully believe it. I speak about it to my wife in that manner.

I may say, in December we can go skiing in Aspen for a week. She may respond by saying that’ll be pretty expensive and we have to close on our house in December. I will say, that’s fine, I have an additional $10,000 coming in that month.

You have to expect it. It’s powerful. I’ve tested this. I’ve explained it to others. It works. This technique is taught in several top books.

So, set the goals you fully believe you can achieve. Own the goal. Expect it to be reality. Imagine the goal achieved. Do not allow any negative thoughts whatsoever to creep into your mind. It’s a done deal.

That’s it. That is the key to setting goals. Write them down, plan them out, repeat them to yourself, talk as if they are on their way, expect it…

Goals have to be attainable and achievable. You can not set goals that are too high or not realistic. You’ve heard that before I’m sure.

Well, it’s not completely true.

The reason goals have to be realistic is because you have to believe they are realistic. If you believe you can make $20,000 per month online within the next two months, and you really – really believe it, without doubts, then set the goal.