Monday, April 9, 2007

Online Secrets: Sneaky & Sly Copywriting - Part 3

Let’s recap real quickly, ok?

* Three dots
* Flow phrases
* Quick 3 to 5 word sentences on a single line

The other technique is to use bullets as you may have guessed and just witnessed above. It’s a good way to spread out the white space and help format your text better.

It works doesn’t it?

After you have written your sales copy, scan it by not actually reading it. Just look at the format and the white space.

People tend to scan and most people are visual. They may not go through your copy with a microscopic eye…

Ok, moving on… You can use the three dots in the actual sentence like I just did. It adds white space and breaks up the sentence in a way.

One other technique is to use a hyphen in your sentences – for better flow. I just did that. You see that hyphen there?

You can use two hyphens also. The reader is flowing through your sales copy – sentence by sentence – up to the end. See how I used two hyphens?

…this stuff works

There I used the three dots to start the sentence. These little techniques may seem little, but it could make the difference between converting 5% of your readers as opposed to 1%.

Which could mean your Adwords campaign is actually making you money instead of losing it. More on that later…

Hey! I almost forgot. <- that works too.