Monday, April 30, 2007

Online Secrets: List Building - Part 1

Building a LARGE & RESPONSIVE list should be your mission. Over time, your responsive list is like the fat cow that can provide you milk for years to come.

I learned from Craig Perrine how important it is to build trust and a relationship with your list. To do this, be yourself and talk about yourself.

Most lists I’m on are all “sales pitching” and nuggets of information. Craig actually provides an ebook to his list. I mean, he delivers by explaining all about how important it is to build relationships.

If you write about yourself, people will feel like they know you. You may not be able to know them, but they will feel like they know you.

I started out this blog by telling a story about me and a millionaire I met. By doing that sort of thing with my list, it can become more responsive.

We all like doing business with people we know. That is because we trust the people we know more than the people we do not know.

Therefore, it’s paramount to build a relationship and be yourself. Write little stories about yourself and how you feel, your opinions and things that make you happy or mad.

Don’t just sell, sell and sell. People will stop reading your emails. Give them quality techniques and information. Find valuable information online, learn it and give it to them.
I will be getting into Joint Ventures later, but I want to bring up a point about Joint Ventures right now. If you are able to string together JV’s with others who have a list, then you can build up a nice sized list in no time.

For example, let’s say you joint venture with someone who has a list of 20,000. This JV partner sends out an email to the list pitching your product for a cut of the revenue…

Out of those 20,000 subscribers many will visit your website. Let’s say 30% visit your site. That’s 6,000 unique visitors.

Let’s say 10% opt in to your auto-responder, that’s 2,000 subscribers for you right there. And, 5% buy.

The numbers can vary of course, but you get the picture.

Now, imagine doing this over and over throughout the year. You could have your own list of 20,000 or more in a reasonable amount of time.

Once you have a list like this, you can build relationships with your clients. Make the list responsive as possible. Use this website to gather information from subscribers:

When writing to your list, always keep human emotions in mind. Appeal to their subconscious mind by striking these emotional chords.

Appeal to their love, desires, vanity, power, self actualization, pride, etc.

Get them conditioned to read your emails. Have a story, or drama, or controversy going on in your emails. Light a fire and create empathy within your emails.

Friday, April 27, 2007

Niche Marketing: Quick Money Making Products

One other technique I have used is to throw up a website on the Internet quickly. I may be interested in selling a product in a certain niche and just write the sales copy, slap a Pay Pal button on there and buy some Google Keywords.

I will not even have a product yet. I write the sales copy and drive targeted traffic. I want to see how the market responds to what I’m looking to do first.

I want to see if I’m on the right track. Is it selling? If it is, I just give those who bought a refund. Or, I’ve actually had a “buy now” button that goes to a page that says the product is not ready yet. Just track how many people clicked on that button. A large percentage of those clicks would have been sales if the product was ready.

The technique here is to test your idea, your unique selling proposition, your sales letter, your price, etc. before you even create the core product. This allows you to save time and money.

I believe this is an excellent lesson. I think this lesson could actually help new Internet Marketers “Break through”.

Here’s what I mean… many new marketers spend a lot of time preparing. They are trying to provide the perfect product because they believe it has to be “grand” in order to justify selling something to people.

They are trying to provide “best sellers” or the ultimate software. They create and keep creating, never really selling or promoting anything.

I bet many well written and valuable Ebooks never get sold and remain on the hard drives of marketers because they felt the products were not good enough to sell to the general public.

Many people sabotage their own success. Perhaps they are afraid to succeed. It’s true. Ok, imagine making $10 million dollars per month starting today. Wouldn’t that be a major change in your life? Wouldn’t you have to change some stuff, rearrange some things, etc.?

It’s true; I’m convinced that many people sabotage their own success. Don’t do that. Grow “yourself” along with your bank account and just go for it!! Don’t hold back!! Release your products to the public.

How will you climb up the stairs to the top if you don’t take all the necessary steps to get there?

The best way to learn how to make money online is to fail. Heck, fail a thousand times if you can. Then, you’ll know 1,000 ways to not do something. You’ll know what works and what does not. You’ll have the specialized knowledge and experience it takes to succeed big. You’ll know this industry so well; you’ll be able to teach it!

However, you’ll never get to that point if you don’t take the necessary “ACTIONS” to learn and experience what works.

People spend too much time trying to create a product they feel worthy selling. They may feel guilty accepting money for a product they created. People will spend way too much emotion on the products as well. They then get emotionally attached to the product… or may end up not selling it at all. Perhaps they feel guilty…
Just release your products and let it rip. Let the products fly! Don’t hold back.

Monday, April 23, 2007

Online Secrets: Sneaky & Sly Copywriting - Part 5

Let’s stick on topic. The point here is to focus on emotions. If you are selling a product on back pain, then you have to appeal to the emotions…

How does your reader feel when they arrive at your web site? Are they embarrassed, in pain, lonely, upset, panicky, worried, etc?

Well, however they feel make sure you help them relive it. They may not realize they have a problem. Remind them… and remind them well.

Help them relive that pain at the beginning and relate to what they are feeling. Express how you felt this way, and were so embarrassed or whatnot…

Then solve the problems by selling them your product.

The phrases and words you use have a deeper subconscious and psychological effect on the readers. You should use these techniques to your benefit.

Here’s another technique. Appeal to their imagination and paint pictures in their minds. Use visionary tactics…

Here’s an example:

I was able to go out and buy a new BMW745. I just love the new car smell. I can smell it just thinking about it right now.
When that black BMW arrived in my driveway, I was so excited. It was shinny and just oozed luxury. Even the sound of the engine was luxurious. I immediately felt the leather seats and sat down for a drive around the block. The leather is top quality and very cushiony.

With that paragraph I appealed to smell, touch, sound and vision.
It paints a mental picture and appeals to the senses…

One other technique is to use words in a manner that something has already happened. For example:

After you’re finished joining…

I’m assuming they are joining. This is a powerful technique as well. It’s selling on assumption.

After you have completed the following form…
Before you order the powerful ebook…

See how important words and psychological angles can create great results?

Effective copywriting can boost your income and allow your campaigns to become profitable. If you are not an effective copywriter, outsource it. Find someone who can do it for you.

I’ll get you a reasonable quote. Read the BLOGS I mentioned before and get acquainted with copywriting.

Friday, April 20, 2007

Niche Marketing: Plan Of Attack - Part 2

11) While I’m creating my book, I am also simultaneously creating leads. I go ahead and get my site designed with an auto-responder included. I want to first capture people interested in my niche. I don’t sell anything at first. I merely offer some free content or a newsletter in exchange for them signing up for my auto-responder. I also take parts out of my book and create articles. I’ll submit these articles while I’m creating my book. If I have a ghost writer, I’ll really dive into articles and marketing tactics prior to the book being finished.

12) I will then design my own ebook graphics for the site. If need be, outsource this as well. I believe it is important to have professional graphics that lend credibility and trust to your sales page and product.

13) Once my product is complete and edited, I contact people in my niche. I may contact people from my list, go to message boards, etc. I want testimonials. I give them the book for free if they will give me feedback or a testimonial. Or, I’ll even cut the price down in exchange for feedback.

14) Once I have some great testimonials, I put them on my site. This lends credibility.

15) I may launch my new product and allow affiliates from to sell it or I may not and keep it to myself. The reason I tend to keep it to myself is because many marketers go to for stealing ideas, in my opinion. So, I don’t want to hand other marketers my niche on a silver platter. However, sometimes it’s a good idea to use because you can gain affiliates who will help you market to even more people. This is your call.

16) I then use all those precious IM tactics, technique and tools we have at our disposal to market the heck out of my new niche product.

17) Once I have it launched and it is making some money, I move onto the next project. I’ll do something everyday to this niche, like write articles. However, I want to create many niche products so that I can have multiple streams of income flowing into my bank account daily!!

Monday, April 16, 2007

Online Secrets: Sneaky & Sly Copywriting - Part 4

Ok, moving on… Another technique you can use is straight out of sales 101. Use little questions throughout your copy. Use simple questions like these:

Isn’t it
Wouldn’t it
Don’t you agree?
You probably feel the same way, right?
Shouldn’t it?
Doesn’t it?

You get the picture, right? What this does is it gets the reader subconsciously saying “yes” throughout the copy.

If the reader is saying “yes” to themselves throughout the copy and agreeing with you, then it will be much easier to close them at the end – and make a sale.

This is powerful stuff you are learning here. Copywriters would probably shoot me in the head if they found out I’m teaching you these techniques.

Heck, I like using the word “heck” a lot too…

The seven deadly sins are also used in sales copy. Writers try to appeal to these emotions. Here they are:

· Envy
· Sloth
· Gluttony
· Wrath
· Pride
· Lust
· Greed

Yep. It’s true. You can use these emotions to light a fire under your readers’ butts. :)

Is that controversial?? You bet it is. I’m not holding back remember?

Friday, April 13, 2007

Niche Marketing: Plan Of Attack - Part 1

Niche products for me are easily found in two main places. Those two places are online and at bookstores. Either way, I get into research mode and start looking at niches.

Next, I will give you my plan of attack. I do have specific websites I often go to for different reasons and I’ll give you some in this blog. However, for now, I just want to give you the plan of attack. Sound good?

Here is a simple plan of attack:

1) I first want about 100 ideas or even more. So, I start out by just researching and brainstorming niches. This is my only mission at the time is to find ideas. I don’t want to go buy anything or register a new domain name. I just want ideas. So, I go to the bookstore, grab a cup of coffee, and browse from one area to the next reading the titles of the books on the shelves.

2) I keep a couple things at the top of my mind while browsing. I keep fresh in my mind that I am looking for emotions. I want to see “fire”. Is this a book that solves problems? Is it addressing an obsessed marketplace?

3) Next, I visit some research and keyword sites online and let my mind wonder. I want to stay focused on just brainstorming or researching niches.

4) Once I have some good ideas (it’s good to write them down while browsing), I go to a few sites online to see if there is competition. I want to see what others are selling and for what prices. I want to see how much the keywords are for advertising PPC. Mostly, I want to see exactly what the competition is doing. Is there opportunity?

5) Next I will search for articles on these specific niches. Are there many, many articles? What are these articles saying about my niche ideas? Is there a ton of competition and are there any opportunities?

6) Once I’ve done all this, it’s time to buy some stuff. I will go buy some books on the topic, competing websites products and read articles. I want to learn this niche. One other thing I can do is get bids from others to do this for me. This will cost more money but save me time., and are three places to find ghost writers.

7) I look for an angle to what’s out there. Many times, my competition is not using proven techniques and I can take advantage of that. For example, they may not have a good sales page. Or the site may look old and sloppy. I want to find a Unique Selling Proposition (USP). I want my own spin on the niche. My product can be faster, better, smarter and more marketable. Remember, someone who is into a “non-money making” product probably created a website because that’s what they love. They are into model airplanes, so they created a site. You on the other hand are into marketing and can capitalize on that situation.

8) Once I have my USP down, I look at domain names. I want something catchy with specific keywords and specific to the niche. I buy the domain name and move forward.

9) Next, I write the sales page. I get the sales page written before I create the publication. I do this because it helps me determine what extra information I need to go get and learn. I want my sales copy to be the greatest thing since sliced bread and it needs to capture people, create urgency and close them into buying right now. I tend to write it myself. However, others can do this for you… for a fee (usually expensive).

10) After my sales copy is made, I write the product or I outsource it to be written for me. I put all the information I’ve learned into my own words. I don’t steal or infringe on copyright laws, I merely learn facts… grow my own opinions, ideas, discussions and write about it. I may interview a few people in the field as well. I can ask questions and get their approval to use them in my new book.

To be continued...

Monday, April 9, 2007

Online Secrets: Sneaky & Sly Copywriting - Part 3

Let’s recap real quickly, ok?

* Three dots
* Flow phrases
* Quick 3 to 5 word sentences on a single line

The other technique is to use bullets as you may have guessed and just witnessed above. It’s a good way to spread out the white space and help format your text better.

It works doesn’t it?

After you have written your sales copy, scan it by not actually reading it. Just look at the format and the white space.

People tend to scan and most people are visual. They may not go through your copy with a microscopic eye…

Ok, moving on… You can use the three dots in the actual sentence like I just did. It adds white space and breaks up the sentence in a way.

One other technique is to use a hyphen in your sentences – for better flow. I just did that. You see that hyphen there?

You can use two hyphens also. The reader is flowing through your sales copy – sentence by sentence – up to the end. See how I used two hyphens?

…this stuff works

There I used the three dots to start the sentence. These little techniques may seem little, but it could make the difference between converting 5% of your readers as opposed to 1%.

Which could mean your Adwords campaign is actually making you money instead of losing it. More on that later…

Hey! I almost forgot. <- that works too.

Friday, April 6, 2007

Niche Marketing: Multiple Streams Of Income

Niche information products could be one of the best systems for creating multiple streams of income. Think about it for just a moment…

You could create 100 information products that each earns you income. As time goes on, many times these sites and products could earn you more and more.

New people get high-speed Internet service daily. Many countries are just now getting online. Billions are yet to come.

This means more “model boat lovers”. It also means more competition. It’s great that you are into making money online because you are still way ahead of the game.

As you stay involved and do not quit, you continue to gain valuable knowledge and experience in marketing informational products online.

You’re ahead of the game. But keep in mind that humans remain the same. We all have common needs, desires and problems.

I would much rather have 100 different information products that each makes me $100 per month than one product that makes me $10,000 per month.

If that big $10k product goes down the tubes for some reason (like competition) I’m done and need to create another **best seller** very soon…

Not with 100 different products. If 20 go down the tubes one year, I’ve already replaced them with 20 to 40 new ones. The longer your site is live and active, the more times it gets crawled by the search engines.

If you have a site and it sells a $27 product, it would take about 4 sales to make $100 per month. Can you make 5 more just like this one but under different niches?

5 sites would get you $500 per month of easy residual income. 20 sites would be 2k per month. You get the picture.

I can pop out new small websites quickly. I actually had the thought jump in my head that I could create 1,000 websites if I wanted to. All I would need is just one person out there in Internet Land to buy one of my products per month – per site.

If I had 1,000 sites all automated and sold a $27 product on each of them, I could generate $27k per month… and that’s only if one product sold per month, per site. I know 1,000 sites is a lot.

However, the example does drive home the concept that there is an abundance of niches you could penetrate and earn a six figure income online. It’s real and is being done by many.

Make yourself $1,000 per month first. Once you’ve accomplished that… wash, rinse and repeat it 10 more times!

Monday, April 2, 2007

Online Secrets: Sneaky & Sly Copywriting - Part 2

It’s SALES & MARKETING. You are trying to sell something and it should be written in a conversational tone. I know of people who actually record themselves first and then write it.

That way it writes in a conversational tone. Act like you are writing to a friend, family member or significant other. Know what I mean?

You see, I believe another good phrase is “you see”. It’s a good way to start a sentence and flow onto the next one.

What’s most important is that you pay attention to how I’m actually writing right now. Perhaps, re-read this section again so you can see for yourself what I’m doing right now…

Another technique is to use the three dots after a sentence like this…

You see those three dots (…)?

It helps the reader move on to the next sentence. I often try to use the three dots after every other paragraph or so.

So, you can use the three dots on one paragraph, and then use the catchy flow phrases on the next paragraph, then the three dots again on the following paragraph…

Also, use the quick two to five word sentences on a line to itself. These three techniques help the reader flow onto the next sentence. Each flows into the next one and the reader has no idea what’s going on.

Know what I mean?

Here’s an example:

This is the paragraph in your sales copy that will end with the three dots. Those three dots will flow the reader onto this next sentence

By the way, the three dots actually have a name. The three dots are called something. I just don’t remember and don’t feel like Googling it.

That’s lazy huh?

Ok, that’s the example above. The highlighted portions are the techniques. Each technique works. Get used to using them.