Tuesday, November 10, 2009


Having links to your site also increases traffic. There are sites that will let you include your link for free. If you can build up the links coming into your sites, then search engines and traffic will have more opportunities to find you.

With my sites, I'll do reciprocal links and one way links. I will post classified ads,
links on other people's Blogs, in articles, in forums, in ads, on Cragslist.com and many
other places.

It all helps get the word out. It's like advertising on a bill board. Remember, I
want to not only promote my business online; I want to promote the heck out of my business online.

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Niche Marketing: Blogs

I recommend you invest time in learning to blog. Blogging is one way to increase your site and promote the heck out of it.

It’s easy to set up and free for the most part. Every time you post to your blog you are generating the right actions to build your business.

The more you post, the better. Don’t forget that the Internet is the information superhighway. It’s built on information. Information is the gas that fuels the Internet.

By posting to your blog, you are fueling the Internet – and your businesses.

It is simple to lose track of the value of Blogging. Heck, we all do. I know a top marketer that is very big in the Blogging community and he swears by it.

I have to admit, I ignored Blogging for the longest time. I just did not see very good results from it at first. I like quick results and lose patience fast. I’ve done the same thing with Adsense.

After speaking with the Blogging Marketer, I instantly changed my point of view. Blogging generates traffic. And traffic makes me money.

So, now I’m into Blogging.

Once I started getting into Blogging, I learned valuable tricks and places to go to increase the effectiveness of my blog. I learned that links back to my sites from my BLOGS was tremendous for getting ranked on search engines. BLOGS became a very big part of my business strategies once I realized the power of Blogging.

Blog and Ping is a strategy that can increase your niche sites. I will now incorporate Blogs into every niche site I do. If I have a niche site that sells widgets, I’ll have Blogs for that site.

Every time I post to the Blog, it will ping other sites. That increases traffic.

Friday, August 17, 2007

Niche Marketing: Promoting

I am pretty convinced that if you have a site that brings in $100 per month, it can bring in 10 to 20 times that if it is promoted right.

Before I get into the several different ways people can promote their businesses, I want you to understand the most important point.

Promoting is not an option. You must promote the heck out of your site. Remember when I wrote about follow through? Well, this is what I mean by it.

You have to continue to bring in prospects. I mean everyone knows who Coca Cola is. Do they even need to advertise or run promotions?

Yes, and they do. They spend millions on advertising and promoting and they’ve been in business for ever.

The same business basics that go for offline businesses go for online businesses as well. The problem is that many people think that Internet businesses go by a different set of rules.

This is not true. There are differences though. I mean, it’s hard to start an offline business for $100 or $200 right?

However, most business principles apply to online as well. Treat your business as if you invested 100k or 200k into it. If you put 100k into your niche website, you’d be sure and follow through and promote that site wouldn’t you?

Ok, let’s say you build a product and site on karate. You started a karate business is what you did.

Well, there are karate shops all over the place offline. They are in shopping plazas all over the world. So, you’re online business just happens to be online and not in a shopping plaza.

The shopping plaza is on a busy street where thousands of people see the signage. However, the karate shop does not stop there. They run ads in the local newspaper, mail out coupons, offer free lessons, have karate shows, pass out flyers, wear their uniforms in public places, etc.

They continue to promote. They pay good money to be in the shopping plaza in order to get curb traffic.

These same principles apply to online business. People just need to think of it the same. I believe it’s because it cost so little to get an online business started that people lose sight of the fact that the principles are pretty much the same.

Think of your karate site as an offline karate business you started in your garage. You want to build it up to go into its own plaza. Then, you want to have your own gym and ultimately many shops across the world.

When you launch, you’re in your garage. Now, promote the heck out of it to grow into being in your own shop in a plaza.

Friday, August 10, 2007

Niche Marketing: Follow Through

Once you find your niche and identify your USP, you need to create a product and sell it. You’ll need to promote it. There are a million things you can do. However, are you following through?

Again, we are going back to “action steps”, “planning” and “goal setting”. We are talking about focus and results.

Did you follow through on everything you said you would do? This is important. Following through helps you create your own system or formula for success.

It is crucial for your mind to know that you went all the way through. You set a plan, worked on your plan, set goals and put action into it all. If you followed all the way through with your plan, your mind will lock onto this formula as a “Best Selling” formula.

Your mind will have no doubt. It’s 100% full faith in the process you developed and executed. It works. If you follow through entirely, then the next product or service is almost guaranteed to succeed. Just do it again with a different product.

Top marketers develop this “lock” and many may not even understand how they did it. Many marketers will look at others and say to themselves… “Why is it so hard for them?” “It’s as easy as pie”.

It’s because they developed a “lock” in their brain. They have no doubt. It works and has worked over and over for them. Therefore, they just repeat it.

“Following through” helps to create a system that you know can be duplicated by yourself over and over again.

Friday, August 3, 2007

Niche Marketing: Setting An Action Plan & Goals

I read somewhere that the more time you take to prepare, the less time it takes to execute. I believe this. Time management is one of the most important skills a person can develop. I mean, you only have 24 hours in a day. How you decide to use those 24 hours is up to you. You have good control on how you spend your time.

If you spend your time in the “dimension of distraction” then you may not get many results out of your time spent.

Time is precious. I know I want more of it. I want time to spend doing the things I want to do.

Since time is so precious, spend it wisely. How do we do that?
Well, planning is one way to ensure you spend your time wisely.

If you believe (like I do) that the more time you spend planning, the less time it takes to execute… then that’ll save you time.

Spending more time planning can ensure you are using your time wisely. Try this… grab a notebook and pen and go sit in a quiet place for one hour. Dedicate yourself to 1 hour of quiet time. Spend that entire hour planning actions steps for your business (or whatever you want to plan).

I bet, you will get more done and accomplish much more by doing that… than winging it. Your results will be far greater. You’ll have a few “Ah Ha” moments. Things will become clearer. How’s that for focus?

I recommend you try planning your time before you spend that time. If you are going to be on the Internet for two hours, spend 10 minutes planning before you turn the computer on. If you enjoy planning, spend 20 minutes or even more.

Then, execute your plan!

Do this each day. Become a planning maniac. Do this and positive results will follow. I’m quite certain. This single lesson could be a “breakthrough” for many people in business. It’s that important.

Combine the lessons of “taking effective action” with “focusing on results” and “planning/time management” and you’ll be so far ahead of everyone else it’s amazing…

Now, let’s add another ingredient to success. You’ve heard this one before. We all have.

“Set goals”…

Here’s my take on setting goals… they are useless if you do not fully 100% believe the goals will be obtained. This may go against what many teach or believe. Many say to set high goals that stretch you. Yeah, that’s fine and dandy.

I think setting high goals are great… as long as you fully believe you can reach these high goals. If there is any doubt in your mind at all, forget it.

You have to FULLY believe it. There can be no doubt. 100% faith is required. Failure is not an option. If you can believe in that manner, then set the goal.

Here’s what I do… I set a goal six months to twelve months out. I place a firm mental picture of that goal. If that goal is to make a certain amount of money, I pound that goal into my head. I fully believe it. I speak about it to my wife in that manner.

I may say, in December we can go skiing in Aspen for a week. She may respond by saying that’ll be pretty expensive and we have to close on our house in December. I will say, that’s fine, I have an additional $10,000 coming in that month.

You have to expect it. It’s powerful. I’ve tested this. I’ve explained it to others. It works. This technique is taught in several top books.

So, set the goals you fully believe you can achieve. Own the goal. Expect it to be reality. Imagine the goal achieved. Do not allow any negative thoughts whatsoever to creep into your mind. It’s a done deal.

That’s it. That is the key to setting goals. Write them down, plan them out, repeat them to yourself, talk as if they are on their way, expect it…

Goals have to be attainable and achievable. You can not set goals that are too high or not realistic. You’ve heard that before I’m sure.

Well, it’s not completely true.

The reason goals have to be realistic is because you have to believe they are realistic. If you believe you can make $20,000 per month online within the next two months, and you really – really believe it, without doubts, then set the goal.