Monday, March 19, 2007

Online Secrets: Presentation - Part 5

I’ll get more into copywriting in just a second. I just want you to fully understand just how HUGE “presentation” is. Present yourself as an expert.

Some people just start out as if they are already successful and I recommend it. In other words, “fake it until you make it”.

Yes, that’s controversial. It’s quite controversial and that statement would be ripped apart by many publicly.

I’m quite sure of it. However, it’s true in my opinion. And people who understand how important “presentation” is, understand fully that the phrase “fake it until you make it” applies effectively.

I’m not saying that you should not tell the truth either. I’m saying present yourself as if you are already what you want to become.

Here’s why it’s so important. P.T. Barnum was a tremendous marketer. He dazzled crowds of people and raised much controversy with his tactics and exhibits.

He was a master marketer. Once, he had an exhibit in some small town auditorium. The problem was nobody showed up. So, he sent a guy out into the street and made him walk down the street and back into the auditorium.

The man did this over and over. He kept walking out and walking back in. So, other pedestrians saw this and wondered what he was doing. After a while, a couple people followed the man into the auditorium – and did not come back out.

The man kept walking back and forth, in and out. And, more people followed him in. People began wondering why the others who were following him into the auditorium were staying inside.

After a while, Mr. Barnum had a nice sized crowd paying to enter each exhibit. Nice huh? That’s powerful if you think about it.

People flock towards curiosity and controversy. If you can make your product somewhat controversial, it could generate many sales.

What does this P.T. Barnum story have to do with “fake it until you make it”? Well, people follow other people. If people feel you are a success, they’ll follow – and others will follow the followers.

Yes, it’s to be debated and I’m sure some will find this unfitting, but I don’t care. I’m writing my opinions and not holding back. Fair?

The way your present yourself, your products and your marketing will have a deep impact on your results. I fully recommend you study this.

The more you understand “presentation” and copywriting, the more successful you shall be…

Let’s get into copywriting some more…