Presentation is everything! Gurus use it with a talent. People who have a gift for writing effective sales copy are some very highly paid people online. The gurus know this… and they know it well.
The manner in which you present your product on that first page of your site is HUGE! I mentioned swift marketing before. That’s what this is. The sales page is so well thought out and properly planned that it begs you to buy. It creates urgency to buy now. It gives you a money back guarantee. Many times, visitors don’t even read it all the way through. They get so excited; they scroll down to the bottom and buy!
Presentation is everything! You could have a terrible product and still make a killing if the sales copy is great.
Now, think about Anthony Robbins… He’s a guru and great at presenting himself and his products. What or who does he target or market to? What market or niche does he sell to? You want to lose weight, let me convince you I am the God of weight loss. You want to be rich… I’ll get you so pumped, you’ll float.
Get the picture? Heck, he took NLP and created his own products out of it when he started out. He has a gift. By the way, I like his stuff. I’ve always had a burning desire to succeed, so he appealed to me.
Presentation! Always keep it in mind. Marketers add audio to help with presentation, because it increases conversions and more people buy for example.
People show copies of checks, PayPal statements, etc. to light you up and get you excited about getting those revenues too… even if those claims are not true. Yep. I know that people throw up false statements and fake checks to get you to buy now.
Remember, it’s about presentation. It’s swift marketing. It’s impulse. It’s selling you over and over and over.
It’s about closing you by creating urgency.
Have I pounded this topic to death yet? I’ll say one last thing about it. I know someone that leased a very expensive sports car. He then rented a beautiful office. He parked his car right there in plain site. As potential clients came to meet with him, they were impressed.
The manner in which you present your product on that first page of your site is HUGE! I mentioned swift marketing before. That’s what this is. The sales page is so well thought out and properly planned that it begs you to buy. It creates urgency to buy now. It gives you a money back guarantee. Many times, visitors don’t even read it all the way through. They get so excited; they scroll down to the bottom and buy!
Presentation is everything! You could have a terrible product and still make a killing if the sales copy is great.
Now, think about Anthony Robbins… He’s a guru and great at presenting himself and his products. What or who does he target or market to? What market or niche does he sell to? You want to lose weight, let me convince you I am the God of weight loss. You want to be rich… I’ll get you so pumped, you’ll float.
Get the picture? Heck, he took NLP and created his own products out of it when he started out. He has a gift. By the way, I like his stuff. I’ve always had a burning desire to succeed, so he appealed to me.
Presentation! Always keep it in mind. Marketers add audio to help with presentation, because it increases conversions and more people buy for example.
People show copies of checks, PayPal statements, etc. to light you up and get you excited about getting those revenues too… even if those claims are not true. Yep. I know that people throw up false statements and fake checks to get you to buy now.
Remember, it’s about presentation. It’s swift marketing. It’s impulse. It’s selling you over and over and over.
It’s about closing you by creating urgency.
Have I pounded this topic to death yet? I’ll say one last thing about it. I know someone that leased a very expensive sports car. He then rented a beautiful office. He parked his car right there in plain site. As potential clients came to meet with him, they were impressed.
They signed the dotted line and he made a fortune. He dazzled them with “presentation”. He knew his sports car and beautiful office helped him close deals. Therefore it was a way of increasing conversions.
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