Friday, February 23, 2007

Niche Marketing: Health & Diet Products

Products that appeal to the health and diet markets are also good sellers. This can be narrowed down into niches as well. There are many, many types of diseases people suffer from. Doctors spend very little time informing or educating patients on the disease or health problem they face.

Doctors have many patients and witness this sort of stuff all day long, everyday. So, providing an information product that elaborates on specific health problems is a good niche to get into.

There are also emotions involved here as well. Again, you are solving problems and helping people. Do you see a common trend in these product categories?

To narrow this down even further, people are starting to look more and more into natural remedies and health foods. As more and more baby boomers reach an older age, these sorts of products could experience a nice boom online.

You could have a portfolio of health related information products that each bring in a nice income if you start now. Alternative medicine, spiritual healing, mediation, quantum physics, etc. are all examples of narrowing it down.

Each one of those can be narrowed down even further. Alternative medicine can be narrowed down and narrowed down again. There are niches within niches.