Oh, this is a good topic. People have so many different types of problems it’s amazing. The thing is… they want to fix these problems and they want the answers now!
Problems are very emotional. How many problems have you seen friends, family and co-workers have? When was the last time you said, “I feel so bad for so and so”… What problems were they experiencing?
The list of problems goes on forever. This can be narrowed down with little effort. Emotions are involved.
How do people feel when they need a car, have bad credit, are overweight, cant sleep at night, have a loved one in jail, are about to get their car repossessed, are getting sued, been diagnosed with a disease, have a child with ADD, have termites, etc.?
Problems are everywhere. Help people solve them. It’s a great thing to provide help for people and they will appreciate a quality product that helps them through it.
All that is needed is a simple headline that blasts to the viewer what the problem is. If the viewer has the problem showcased at the top of your site, you have their attention.
Reinstate at the beginning of your sales letter what the problem is and how much it just bothers them. Offer to give the viewer the answers they are seeking all the way through your sales letter. Put yourself in the person’s shoes and appeal to their emotions that come with this problem.
Here’s an example:
“Stomp Out High Blood Pressure For Good, Right Here and Right Now!”
Then remind them of all the emotions and problems that come with high blood pressure, such as stroke, heart attacks, etc.
Keep reminding them that you are about to give them the solution to their problems instantly.
Then close them! Close them at the end by not only offering all the answers to their problems but also by giving them a bonus that makes the deal irresistible.
Once you’ve sold them and they click to buy, offer a backend sale. If 30% of them take the backend sale (or up-sell) you’ll make much more money for simply offering it. There is no rule that you can not offer a 2nd up-sell opportunity as well. A smaller percent will buy the 2nd up-sell…but some will.
I see people all the time posting questions such as, “how do I find a profitable niche?” Well, profitable niches are everywhere. One place to find them is by looking specifically at people’s problems.
Problems come with emotions and urgency. Go to the bookstore and look at books, magazines, and newspapers and look for problems people have. While you are browsing the bookstore, carry a little notebook and jot down 50 to 100 different problems people have.
Or, go to Amazon.com and search through the categories of books. Just look at the categories first. You’ll identify many problems and niches.
All it takes is a different point of view. It takes looking at things in a different perspective. What you want to do is provide something people want or need. That’s it. That’s what it takes to make money. Is what you are offering in demand? Does it appeal to many people? Will people spend money on it?
Your online business needs to be just that… a business. Therefore, you should find a service, product or solution to a problem that already exists. First find the problem, then find the solutions and then give it to them… for a fee. Then, promote, promote, promote, promote and never stop promoting your business!