Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Online Secrets: Presentation - Part 2

Ever see the movie Schindler’s List? At the beginning of the movie Liam Neeson provides a very good example of ‘presentation’. He gets his best suit, grabs a handful of cash and goes to some big party where all these major German soldiers were. He bought them drinks and dazzled them with presentation. They had to know who he was. He got their business as well.

I think you get the picture of what I mean by presentation. At Internet Marketing seminars, “presentation” is in full effect. When I attended my first live seminar, I noticed the speakers were into their presentation mode.

Of course right? I mean I would be too. They stand up there and speak, flash their money, act seriously important and successful. Heck, the audience wants what they have. They know that.

After the seminar, there are mixers. Attendees eat and have drinks in the hotel lounge mingling with each other (including the speakers). I noticed that the speakers were mostly around each other.

I walked up to two of them during a 15 minute break. I was standing right there next to both of them. I waited for them to stop speaking so that I could tell one of them how much I liked his stuff.

So, I waited… and waited… and waited… and then said the heck with this I’m moving on to talk with the attendees. I learned so much from the attendees it’s not even funny. Most of them were just like me. They wanted to learn and offer what they know. It was an exchange of ideas, techniques and information.

Not so with the big-time celebrity gurus. Oh, they had very little specific techniques. In fact, one attendee gave me a tip for Google Adwords that I never knew for example.

The technique is to put this in the subject line:

Let’s say your keyword is “Dog”

{KeyWord: Dog}

What that will do is make the title or subject line on your Google ad have the exact same text as what they type. So, if someone types in “Big Dog” it will say Big Dog in your title of your ad.

Friday, February 23, 2007

Niche Marketing: Health & Diet Products

Products that appeal to the health and diet markets are also good sellers. This can be narrowed down into niches as well. There are many, many types of diseases people suffer from. Doctors spend very little time informing or educating patients on the disease or health problem they face.

Doctors have many patients and witness this sort of stuff all day long, everyday. So, providing an information product that elaborates on specific health problems is a good niche to get into.

There are also emotions involved here as well. Again, you are solving problems and helping people. Do you see a common trend in these product categories?

To narrow this down even further, people are starting to look more and more into natural remedies and health foods. As more and more baby boomers reach an older age, these sorts of products could experience a nice boom online.

You could have a portfolio of health related information products that each bring in a nice income if you start now. Alternative medicine, spiritual healing, mediation, quantum physics, etc. are all examples of narrowing it down.

Each one of those can be narrowed down even further. Alternative medicine can be narrowed down and narrowed down again. There are niches within niches.

Monday, February 19, 2007

Online Secrets: Presentation - Part 1

Presentation is everything! Gurus use it with a talent. People who have a gift for writing effective sales copy are some very highly paid people online. The gurus know this… and they know it well.

The manner in which you present your product on that first page of your site is HUGE! I mentioned swift marketing before. That’s what this is. The sales page is so well thought out and properly planned that it begs you to buy. It creates urgency to buy now. It gives you a money back guarantee. Many times, visitors don’t even read it all the way through. They get so excited; they scroll down to the bottom and buy!

Presentation is everything! You could have a terrible product and still make a killing if the sales copy is great.

Now, think about Anthony Robbins… He’s a guru and great at presenting himself and his products. What or who does he target or market to? What market or niche does he sell to? You want to lose weight, let me convince you I am the God of weight loss. You want to be rich… I’ll get you so pumped, you’ll float.

Get the picture? Heck, he took NLP and created his own products out of it when he started out. He has a gift. By the way, I like his stuff. I’ve always had a burning desire to succeed, so he appealed to me.

Presentation! Always keep it in mind. Marketers add audio to help with presentation, because it increases conversions and more people buy for example.

People show copies of checks, PayPal statements, etc. to light you up and get you excited about getting those revenues too… even if those claims are not true. Yep. I know that people throw up false statements and fake checks to get you to buy now.

Remember, it’s about presentation. It’s swift marketing. It’s impulse. It’s selling you over and over and over.

It’s about closing you by creating urgency.

Have I pounded this topic to death yet? I’ll say one last thing about it. I know someone that leased a very expensive sports car. He then rented a beautiful office. He parked his car right there in plain site. As potential clients came to meet with him, they were impressed.
They signed the dotted line and he made a fortune. He dazzled them with “presentation”. He knew his sports car and beautiful office helped him close deals. Therefore it was a way of increasing conversions.

Niche Marketing: Technical Products

Technology is dynamic. It is always changing. Many people do not have the time to keep up with the changing technologies. It’s getting faster and faster. Products that help people with technology are good products…

Some of the best products right now are video tutorials that teach people how to visually do things with their computers. These flash or video tutorials really address a need. You see, most people are visual. These tutorials appeal towards many people because of that.

There are so many new electronics hitting the market and the manuals that come with them are sometimes poorly written. Having a flash video on how to put my new treadmill together and operate it would be fantastic (it took me four hours).

Monday, February 12, 2007

Online Secrets: A Light Bulb Went Off - Part 2

I spoke with gurus. Or maybe not even gurus but rather good people making tons of money online. One said to me that he puts a pot of coffee on, kisses his children and wife good night and pulls an all weekend ‘system’ launch. By the next week, he is making like $6,000.


He said stop buying stuff and reading stuff and just go with your best idea. He said to me that even if I did not make a dime of profit, the lessons I learned would be worth much more than any Ebook could teach me. He said if you are going to read anything, read on how to write a good sales copy.

It was then I decided that I would STOP reading Ebooks and joining whatever online business opportunity that captured my eye. I started truly learning what exactly to do to earn profits once I got serious and stopped reading message boards all night. I just deleted all those emails that pounded my inbox with more and more opportunities.

I stopped focusing on learning and started focusing on “doing”. I started putting action into what I already learned. Instead of focusing on the hidden and missing “secrets”, I focused on creating my own products. Instead of joining affiliate programs, I created my own. I started mapping out and designing real action plans.

It’s when I went to scriptlance.com and posted a project for the best idea I had at the time, picked a bidder and got my project designed… that I started truly learning what it took.

And then, I stumbled onto a few techniques or avenues of making money online. It reminded me of algebra class (which I hated) in college. I would stare at some equation trying to figure out how to solve it. But once I got it… I got it. I just knew how to figure the problem from that point on.

Same goes here. I then looked at every website differently and every sales copy differently. I looked at every business opportunity differently. Heck, I even looked at Anthony Robbins, Brian Tracy and all those type people differently.

It just clicked. And, that is where it is. I believe I learned and now know the so called secrets to making money online.
I will do my complete best to teach you these secrets I believe I understand now and I’ll also give to you specific techniques for generating profits.

Before we get deep into it, I want to explain that this publication will take you through my journey online. I’ll hit on the key points that simply made a big difference for me. I believe if you follow through and read this from start to finish, you’ll feel like you went on the same journey. And, if all works out right… you should feel like you learned in just a few hours what took me a couple years.

Hopefully, I will cut down your learning curve and really have an impact on your ventures. If all works out, you could be well on your way to knowing everything (and I mean EVERYTHING) you need to know to make money online.

Let’s dive into this and let’s dive in deep. Are you ready to truly learn and discover what it takes to make it big? Let’s roll!

Friday, February 9, 2007

Niche Marketing: Problem Products

Oh, this is a good topic. People have so many different types of problems it’s amazing. The thing is… they want to fix these problems and they want the answers now!

Problems are very emotional. How many problems have you seen friends, family and co-workers have? When was the last time you said, “I feel so bad for so and so”… What problems were they experiencing?

The list of problems goes on forever. This can be narrowed down with little effort. Emotions are involved.

How do people feel when they need a car, have bad credit, are overweight, cant sleep at night, have a loved one in jail, are about to get their car repossessed, are getting sued, been diagnosed with a disease, have a child with ADD, have termites, etc.?

Problems are everywhere. Help people solve them. It’s a great thing to provide help for people and they will appreciate a quality product that helps them through it.

All that is needed is a simple headline that blasts to the viewer what the problem is. If the viewer has the problem showcased at the top of your site, you have their attention.

Reinstate at the beginning of your sales letter what the problem is and how much it just bothers them. Offer to give the viewer the answers they are seeking all the way through your sales letter. Put yourself in the person’s shoes and appeal to their emotions that come with this problem.

Here’s an example:
“Stomp Out High Blood Pressure For Good, Right Here and Right Now!”

Then remind them of all the emotions and problems that come with high blood pressure, such as stroke, heart attacks, etc.

Keep reminding them that you are about to give them the solution to their problems instantly.

Then close them! Close them at the end by not only offering all the answers to their problems but also by giving them a bonus that makes the deal irresistible.

Once you’ve sold them and they click to buy, offer a backend sale. If 30% of them take the backend sale (or up-sell) you’ll make much more money for simply offering it. There is no rule that you can not offer a 2nd up-sell opportunity as well. A smaller percent will buy the 2nd up-sell…but some will.

I see people all the time posting questions such as, “how do I find a profitable niche?” Well, profitable niches are everywhere. One place to find them is by looking specifically at people’s problems.

Problems come with emotions and urgency. Go to the bookstore and look at books, magazines, and newspapers and look for problems people have. While you are browsing the bookstore, carry a little notebook and jot down 50 to 100 different problems people have.

Or, go to Amazon.com and search through the categories of books. Just look at the categories first. You’ll identify many problems and niches.

All it takes is a different point of view. It takes looking at things in a different perspective. What you want to do is provide something people want or need. That’s it. That’s what it takes to make money. Is what you are offering in demand? Does it appeal to many people? Will people spend money on it?

Your online business needs to be just that… a business. Therefore, you should find a service, product or solution to a problem that already exists. First find the problem, then find the solutions and then give it to them… for a fee. Then, promote, promote, promote, promote and never stop promoting your business!

Monday, February 5, 2007

Online Secrets: A Light Bulb Went Off - Part 1

Many Ebooks and courses throughout the Internet offer people like you and me absolutely nothing. Many times it’s all fluff. Guru’s call it ‘swift marketing’.

When I first started out in earning money online, I read every Internet Marketing Ebook I could get my hands on. Book after book, I learned much of nothing.

OK, maybe a few nuggets of valuable information were provided… but not much of anything that put money in my bank account.

Most of everything I read was philosophies, advice, lessons, buy this and sell that. I’d get a website to go visit as a resource or some tool or software program that provided me with some more nuggets.

People were just not divulging true techniques or avenues to generating income online. Most everything was regurgitated information offering little to no value at all.

I’d rip out my credit card and purchase the “latest and greatest” thinking that this new Ebook would provide me with the missing link I needed to make a fortune. WRONG!

I would think to myself, “$47 is not that much”. “I spend $47 out at dinner or on a new shirt”. I’d get hasty, frustrated and buy again. In fact, I’d buy an ebook or join some membership site easier and quicker than paying my credit card bills. I had to have it and I wanted it bad – real bad.

The more frustrated I got, the more ebooks I purchased. I listened to audio interviews, got on teleconference calls and on and on…

Then, something clicked. Let me explain... After buying these Ebooks I came across a website that pitched making $500 per day. I pulled out the old credit card and joined. Once inside the site, I found that what they provided was information I already knew. I said to myself, “I already know this stuff.”
That’s when it clicked. I already know everything it takes to make money online.
To be continued...

Friday, February 2, 2007

Niche Marketing: Self Help Products

People want to improve themselves. People have problems or issues that they just know they need to address and improve. Some people have low self esteem, fear, phobias, disorders, depression, anxiety, dyslexia, etc.

People want to look better, read faster, get a promotion, have more confidence, speak better, write better, sleep better, stop panic attacks, be more creative, etc.
All of these mentioned above are emotional. This is why self help books have always been so popular. Appealing to these emotions can launch your online business.