Monday, June 11, 2007

Online Secrets: Building Relationships - Part 2

It’s like a snowball effect. You get to know a few people and it spreads. If you can get to know one successful marketer, that person can introduce you to many – many others.

Then, you can say or write things like, “my friend and successful marketer so-and-so…”

It’s leverage and it’s networking. It is growing your brand. It is making more money through other people, like the millionaire said at the beginning of this program…

Post on other marketer’s BLOGS. Send them emails telling them how much you learned or enjoy their products. Follow them (don’t stalk them). :)

Send people private messages through forums. Interact as often as possible with other people. Get people into a yahoo messenger or MSN messenger friend list. And, strike up conversations with them.

As you get to know others, brainstorm ideas and offer to help them in different ways. Be likeable.

I’d say that IM seminars are good to go to merely because of the opportunity to get to know others. Yes, you can learn some great stuff from the speakers and all. But, getting to know the speakers – or better yet the other attendees can be powerful.

Initiate JV’s. Partner up with others. Don’t be greedy and think you can do it all on your own. You need other people. Don’t fly solo. Think of it as you own your own business and you just partnered up with someone who can lift the business to new heights.