Monday, April 30, 2007

Online Secrets: List Building - Part 1

Building a LARGE & RESPONSIVE list should be your mission. Over time, your responsive list is like the fat cow that can provide you milk for years to come.

I learned from Craig Perrine how important it is to build trust and a relationship with your list. To do this, be yourself and talk about yourself.

Most lists I’m on are all “sales pitching” and nuggets of information. Craig actually provides an ebook to his list. I mean, he delivers by explaining all about how important it is to build relationships.

If you write about yourself, people will feel like they know you. You may not be able to know them, but they will feel like they know you.

I started out this blog by telling a story about me and a millionaire I met. By doing that sort of thing with my list, it can become more responsive.

We all like doing business with people we know. That is because we trust the people we know more than the people we do not know.

Therefore, it’s paramount to build a relationship and be yourself. Write little stories about yourself and how you feel, your opinions and things that make you happy or mad.

Don’t just sell, sell and sell. People will stop reading your emails. Give them quality techniques and information. Find valuable information online, learn it and give it to them.
I will be getting into Joint Ventures later, but I want to bring up a point about Joint Ventures right now. If you are able to string together JV’s with others who have a list, then you can build up a nice sized list in no time.

For example, let’s say you joint venture with someone who has a list of 20,000. This JV partner sends out an email to the list pitching your product for a cut of the revenue…

Out of those 20,000 subscribers many will visit your website. Let’s say 30% visit your site. That’s 6,000 unique visitors.

Let’s say 10% opt in to your auto-responder, that’s 2,000 subscribers for you right there. And, 5% buy.

The numbers can vary of course, but you get the picture.

Now, imagine doing this over and over throughout the year. You could have your own list of 20,000 or more in a reasonable amount of time.

Once you have a list like this, you can build relationships with your clients. Make the list responsive as possible. Use this website to gather information from subscribers:

When writing to your list, always keep human emotions in mind. Appeal to their subconscious mind by striking these emotional chords.

Appeal to their love, desires, vanity, power, self actualization, pride, etc.

Get them conditioned to read your emails. Have a story, or drama, or controversy going on in your emails. Light a fire and create empathy within your emails.