Friday, March 30, 2007

Niche Marketing: Creating Your Own Niche Products

After I’ve found a niche, I go to and post a project. I may post a project for a 20 page report to be written. This may cost me $100 or less. Once the book is finished, I’ve got my product. It’s that easy.

Here are the magic ingredients:

1. Find a niche that is in a hungry marketplace where people spend money for your type of product already. Make sure you can compete in the niche.
2. Find affiliate programs that match up with your niche product.
3. Create your own product by writing it yourself or by outsourcing it on or similar bid sites.
4. Create a dynamic sales page for the product.
5. Promote, promote, promote and just keep on promoting it.
6. Build a list
7. See number 5 above
8. Do it again with another niche

That’s the magic formula. The key is number 5. Many people fall short there. Don’t stop promoting it. That’s where the money is. The more targeted traffic you get, the more money you will make (period).

Number 6 is very – very important. By building a large list of a targeted market niche, you can promote over and over. Imagine having a list of 10,000 dog lovers. You can promote a different product to them two or three times a week forever.

“The Most Important Thing To Do Is Keep Promoting Your Site Over and Over Until You Are Making Serious Money And Are Plastered All Over The Internet!”

How could you fail? If you have a decent product that reaches a hungry market niche and you promote it non-stop everyday, you are sure to make serious money online.