However, if you divide 1,000 hours into learning Spanish, English, Italian, French, Japanese, and German you may not know how to complete a simple sentence in any foreign language.
This is why it is so important to master one area. People make tons of money in each area. Some people are affiliates. They make fortunes by only working affiliate programs. If that’s what you want to focus on, then I recommend you stick to that until you are practically an expert.
It’s much easier to learn more foreign languages once you’ve learned one. In other words, once you know Spanish well, it’s much easier to learn Italian.
Jumping around from one thing to another can leave a person burned out and with a low level of enthusiasm for following through to achieve proper results.
As far as creating a business model… here’s a quick example of that…
Let’s go offline for a second. Let’s say I want to start a fast food restaurant. I want to sell burgers.
I would probably have quicker and better results if I follow the model of McDonalds… right? I mean they’ve sold a billion burgers or so.
Or, I could create a burger place that’s like Starbucks. I could be completely different. People can order burgers with chocolate or mocha. I bet people would like burgers that cost $15 each.
It’s much better to follow a proven model. It’s much easier and requires less risk. Sure, I can put my own spin on the model. I can call it what I want. I can have my own clown or King.
The point is I’ll model something that is already working. I’ll just be a bit different. I don’t want to create an entire new industry or fully go against the norms. After all, what result am I looking for? What’s my end result? What am I after?
For me… my personal results are that I want more freedom. I want more time to do what I want, when I want, buy what I want, go where I want, eat what I want, etc.
So, if duplicating someone else’s business model gets me there quicker… I’m all over it.